What are the "top ten killers" of children swallowing foreign bodies?

Recently, the Otorhinolaryngology Department of Zhengzhou Children's Hospital again received a child who was referred by a medical consortium - a 1 year old and 5 months old child with a serious tracheal foreign body from Yanling County. Since the foreign body had entered the trachea and bronchi on both sides, almost all of the children's tracheas were blocked. The situation was very serious. The ambulance rushed all the way, and the child inhaled oxygen all the way. When he came to the hospital, he was almost suffocated and shocked.

  The number of cases of airway foreign bodies increases. Parents must watch their children

According to Han Fugen, director of otolaryngology department, in the past 2015, more than 1300 cases of airway foreign bodies were taken out by the department. Compared with the data of the previous three years, 1100 cases were taken out in 2012, 1200 in 2013, and 1315 in 2014, showing a rising trend.

The Year of the Monkey is coming, family gatherings are increasing, and a large number of snacks such as nuts and candy are on the table. I have to remind my parents and friends that we should take good care of the "little ones" and "bear children" when we are happy. After all, the best way to rescue is prevention.

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Peanut was taken out after 25 minutes of surgery after another "murder"

"The child ate peanuts into his windpipe when he wasn't careful. He didn't care at that time. It was really wrong!" Outside the ward, the father of the child was full of fear and frustration. The mother beside was almost collapsed and could not speak because of being frightened. This time, the culprit is still a peanut that people love and hate, and the "killer" ranked first in the 2015 airway foreign body exhibition of Children's Hospital.

According to Song Min, director of the Children's Hospital Medical Association, medical staff raced against the clock from reception to surgery, and finally successfully removed the foreign body after 25 minutes.

"Peanut was eaten at noon yesterday, and the parents were alerted when the child suffered from dyspnea at 1 o'clock in the morning. When the foreign body was taken out, they found that the child's lungs had been infected and there was purulent secretion." Yi Huanhuan, the doctor on duty, said.

   What are the "top ten killers" of children swallowing foreign bodies?

Foreign bodies swallowed by children are generally divided into three categories: airway foreign bodies, esophageal foreign bodies and gastrointestinal foreign bodies. Among them, the airway foreign body is most dangerous when it is stuck in the throat or bronchus.

The high incidence group of airway foreign body cases is children aged 2-5 years, accounting for more than 90% of the patients. Most children will not express after swallowing a foreign body, but mothers can judge from this situation: after the foreign body enters the airway, the child will have cough, dyspnea, dark and purple face and other symptoms.

In order to help mothers take precautions, Zhengzhou Children's Hospital summarized the "top ten killers" of children's ingestion of foreign objects based on previous cases: peanuts and melon seeds, the most frequently contacted ones, led the "top ten killers", occupying the first and second places, while coins, pen heads and pen caps were closely followed, ranking third and fourth; At the back are chicken bones, fish bones and other bones, as well as buttons, zippers, pendants, batteries and hairpins. (Zheng Zhou Evening News reporter Xing Jingu Changle correspondent Ma Yihe)

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