What should I do if I get burnt during the festival? Teach you some moves to learn how to save yourself

To a large extent, the significance of the Spring Festival is family reunion, but such reunion should be based on safety. Unfortunately, burns and scalds happen every year during the Spring Festival, most of which are children. Setting off fireworks and firecrackers has also become one of the causes of burns and scalds.

How to save oneself in the first time after burns? Experts said that the specific self rescue method is relatively complex and needs to be treated differently according to the different situations of burns and scalds. However, regardless of the cause of burns, the primary principle of on-site first aid is to immediately leave the source of injury to avoid possible further damage.

  Get rid of the source of injury first

Safety should be the premise of the festival, but unfortunately, burns and scalds caused by fireworks and firecrackers happen frequently during the Spring Festival every year. Once an accident occurs, the first time self rescue is very important. According to experts, injuries caused by different reasons are also different in self rescue.

Chen Xin, chief physician of the burn and plastic surgery department of Jishuitan Hospital, said that no matter what the cause of the burn, the source of injury should be immediately separated to maximize the possible further damage caused by the source of injury. However, in terms of specific self rescue measures, different types of injuries are also different.

   Shallow burn should be washed with cold water as soon as possible

For small and medium-sized shallow burns, cold treatment can reduce the further damage of heat to the wound surface, quickly relieve the pain, and it is simple and easy, which is also a very important and effective measure for first-aid on the spot of burns. Guo Wei, director of the emergency department of Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, said that if the scalded part turns red but no skin is broken, the scalded part should be immediately washed with cold water (flowing water, tap water) to achieve the goal of rapid cooling and reduce leakage.

Chen Xin told the reporter that the specific method was to shower the burn wound under the tap or immerse it in clean cold water (the water temperature is subject to the patient's tolerance, usually 15-20 ℃, and ice can be added to the water in summer), or apply towel, gauze pad, etc. soaked with clean cold (ice) water to the wound, but cold treatment at low temperature is also bad for the wound. There is no clear limit on the time of cold treatment. Generally, the pain will be reduced to degree after the cold treatment stops, and it will take 0.5~1 hours or more.

  Use cleaning dressing to bind the burn wound

For burns with wounds, Chen Xin said that the wounds can be covered with clean dressings, towels, sheets, etc. or simply bandaged, and properly protected to prevent re pollution. However, family members should not randomly apply drugs to the burn wound, such as unknown doses of antibiotics, disinfectants, etc., to avoid excessive absorption and poisoning, and should not apply colored drugs, such as mercuric, gentian violet, so as not to interfere with the observation of the wound and the judgment of the depth. At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid smearing substances that are difficult to remove on the wound surface, such as yellow sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, toothpaste, incense ash, etc. These substances do not have any therapeutic effect on the wound surface, but will hinder the debridement and increase the chance of wound pollution.

Guo Wei reminded that in case of firecracker injuries, most of them are mixed injuries, and the wounds are generally large, so the patients should not handle them by themselves. The injured should be sent to hospital immediately.

   ■ Self rescue strategy

(1) Flame burn: take off the burning clothes quickly, or roll on the spot to extinguish the flame, or use the nearest water source to extinguish the fire, or use the clothes and bedding that are not easy to burn to extinguish the fire. Do not run for help, so as to avoid aggravating head, face and respiratory tract injuries.

(2) Hot liquid scald: immediately remove clothes soaked with hot liquid.

(3) Chemical burns: there are about 25000 kinds of chemicals that can cause human body damage. For chemical burns, take off the clothes soaked with chemical substances as soon as possible and wash them with plenty of water. If the injury causing substance is clear and the site conditions are available, neutralizer can be used for flushing, but the application of neutralizer cannot replace the process of flushing with a large amount of clean water, and do not lose valuable treatment opportunity to find neutralizer.

Chemical burns are relatively complicated. Some can be washed, and some can be diluted to a certain concentration through washing, which is harmful to human body. Therefore, for chemical burns, it is recommended to wipe off the substances on the human body surface with a dry cloth, and then seek medical advice immediately.

(4) Electric burns: most of the people exposed in daily life are low voltage electricity. Low voltage power burns, and the skin surface may appear red and other symptoms. The common treatment method is to wash with cold water to achieve the effect of local cooling. If the injured person is exposed to high-voltage power, he/she should seek medical advice as soon as possible, because contact with high-voltage power may cause arrhythmia, which is usually fatal.

In case of electric contact injury, the power supply shall be cut off first. Never contact the wounded without cutting off the power supply to avoid electric shock. After the power supply is cut off and the fire is extinguished, the consciousness, breathing and heartbeat of the wounded shall be checked. If there is apnea, artificial respiration and extracardiac massage shall be carried out immediately.


In the first aid for burns and scalds in Taiwan, the five word principle of "flushing, peeling, soaking, wrapping, and delivering" is proposed. "flushing" refers to immediate flushing and cooling after burns and scalds, "peeling" refers to the removal of clothing after burning or soaked with hot liquid, "soaking" refers to cold treatment, "wrapping" refers to the coverage of wounds, and "delivering" refers to proper transfer to hospital.

■ Prevention

1. Avoid children being alone in the bathroom and kitchen

Children are often victims of burns, and bathrooms and kitchens are common places for children to burn. Chen Xin suggested that parents should try to avoid children staying alone in these places. In addition, when bathing children, they must first put cold water and then hot water, and the temperature of the hot water outlet should not be higher than 55 ℃; Hot water bottles, hot soup, etc. should not be placed where children can touch; Do not place a tablecloth on the table to prevent children from pulling and overturning the hot soup on the table and causing burns; When you bring hot soup in and out, you must greet your family and remind them to take good care of children to avoid burns caused by collision; Do not use empty beverage bottles to store flammable and corrosive liquids, so as not to cause children to drink by mistake; Unused electrical sockets should be sealed with electric shock proof plugs to avoid children's touch; When setting off fireworks and firecrackers on New Year's Day, we must take good care of children and set them off correctly.

2. Troubleshooting of potential burns

Chen Xin reminded that many burns and scalds are accidental injuries. In many cases, they are caused by violation of operating procedures, illegal operations or improper handling of accidents. Therefore, burns and scalds can be prevented to a large extent.

Attention should be paid to troubleshooting potential burns, such as aging gas stoves, aging loose electrical appliances and socket connectors, and unstable hydrothermal devices; Use household appliances correctly, such as microwave ovens, water heaters, electric heaters, etc; Properly handle accidents that may cause fire accidents at home, such as closing the main gate and opening the window for ventilation in case of gas leakage. Never turn on the electrical switches (including lights, exhaust fans, etc.), nor call mobile phones on site; Change the bad habits of life that are easy to cause accidental burns, such as lying in bed smoking often falls asleep due to drowsiness, and cigarette ends ignite bedding burns; Long time application of electric heating devices (such as Nuanbao) in winter may cause low-temperature burns after falling asleep; Even if the laptop is put on the knee for a long time, it will cause low-temperature burn of the skin; Without experience, do not easily try risky medical and health care operations, such as cupping, moxibustion, garlic and other acupoint application with irritant plants. These operations are easy to cause skin burns, even deep burns.

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Article keywords: Electric burn burn and scald save oneself

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