The 9-year-old boy suddenly became "stupid" because he had a "strange disease" in his brain

The 9-year-old boy suddenly became "stupid" because he had a "strange disease" in his brain
01:28, November 18, 2018 China News Network

China News Network, Ningbo, November 10 (Reporter Li Jiayun, correspondent Zheng Yu and Feng Lei) A once smart and studious child suddenly became a "poor student" in the eyes of teachers. This sudden change was actually caused by a tumor in the brain.

Recently, Li Xiaobao (a pseudonym), a 9-year-old boy who lives in Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, suddenly developed symptoms of headache, nausea and vomiting, and was sent to Ningbo Yinzhou People's Hospital for treatment by his family. After examination, he was found to have an "unidentified" tumor in his brain.

Later, according to Gao Feng, a neurosurgical expert in the hospital, what Xiao Bao suffered from was anaplastic ependyma, a kind of brain glioma. This tumor is a kind of brain tumor disease with high recurrence rate, belonging to the central nervous system tumor. At present, Xiao Bao is now out of danger after doctors have removed the lesion of the cerebral hemisphere.

"I have always wondered how my family Xiao Bao suddenly became stupid. It was because of this strange disease..." According to Li Xiaobao's father, Mr. Li, Xiao Bao used to be a very clever boy and learned things quickly. But last year, Xiao Bao suddenly became "stupid". He could not understand everything the school teachers taught him, and he was also slow to respond, Mr. Li was also annoyed for a long time.

The peak shows that all types of glioblastomas are mostly seen in middle-aged people, ependymomas are mostly seen in children and young people, and medulloblastomas almost all occur in children. The location of gliomas is also related to age, especially glioblastoma, which has the highest malignancy, with a peak of 40 to 60 years old, and a small peak of 6 to 12 years old.

"Although glioma does not spread to other parts of the body and only grows in the nervous system, it is easy for this tumor to recur. As for the causes of glioma, it is very complicated and not yet clear." Gao Feng said that this may be related to the patient's susceptibility gene, which is suspected to develop into glioma after being stimulated.

The peak reminds that people with susceptibility genes should try to avoid contact with polluted environment in their daily life; In terms of diet, you can eat more fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can protect the normal differentiation of cells, enhance the immune capacity of the body, and thus reduce the incidence of tumors. In addition, we should also eat less pickled and smoked food. The nitrite and other substances in them have a certain inducing effect.

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