Four signals before the child falls ill

Infants have poor adaptability to the weather. Parents should pay close attention to some changes in their children and find out their physical discomfort early.

   Emotional changes: Healthy children are often full of energy. If the child suddenly becomes agitated and red, it is usually a sign of fever; A dull look and a clenched fist are often signs of convulsion; Buckling and tumbling of legs are the manifestations of abdominal pain. However, if the crying voice is weak or does not cry, it indicates that the condition is serious.

   Change in appetite: If the child usually sucks well, eats well, suddenly refuses to nurse or is unable to suck, or eats less, there may be infection; If the child has abdominal distension and the mouth odor is sour, it indicates that the baby has indigestion. Sleep change Children who are restless before sleep, kick the quilt during sleep, or wake up with red face are often a reflection of fever; If you constantly chew or grind your teeth before and after sleep, it may be because you are too excited or have ascaris infection before sleep.

   Respiratory changes: If the child's breathing becomes thicker and the frequency increases, the face becomes red, which may be a sign of fever; Shortness of breath, fluttering nose, blue around lips, depressed intercostal muscles or sagging sternum when breathing, may be suffering from pneumonia. Children often have cyanosis of lips and lips, and their faces are gray and blue. They should beware of myocarditis or congenital heart disease.

   Weight change: After the baby is born, the weight gain speed is accelerated. If the growth rate of body weight slows down or decreases, the influence of diseases should be suspected, such as diarrhea, malnutrition, anemia and other symptoms or diseases.

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