Analysis of common allergic symptoms in children

Analysis of common allergic symptoms in children
09:02, April 6, 2018 Hualong

When a baby comes into contact with any insect or mat, or eats any unclean or intolerable food, he vomits and diarrhea, and itches all over. These children's allergic symptoms often make the mother strangle the baby's nutrition. If the allergen can be correctly identified, or the baby chooses the first milk from birth, the baby will suffer less.

   Three keywords of allergy

Infant allergy is currently one of the most concerned public health problems in the world, known as the most prevalent non infectious disease phenomenon in the 21st century. When the baby is allergic to food or things, the mother will look like a snake in a cup and never let the baby touch those food or things. In fact, it has been clinically studied how to thoroughly treat the baby's allergy symptoms.

When it comes to allergies, many mothers will definitely first understand it as vomiting, diarrhea, measles, etc. Indeed, allergy mainly affects the skin, digestive system and respiratory system. Urticaria, angioneurotic edema or specific dermatitis may occur when skin is involved;; The digestive system may be involved in vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, stool with mucus and blood, and growth retardation; Frequent sneezing, runny nose, cough and wheezing may occur when the respiratory system is involved. In addition to skin manifestations, other manifestations of allergy are not specific enough, and it is often difficult to be diagnosed at an early stage.

In fact, allergy can be summarized by three key words. When the human immune system overreacts to natural harmless substances from air, water, contact or food, it can be considered that the human body has allergies. The three key words are: human immune system, natural harmless substances and overreaction. Allergy is not caused by low immune function, but by abnormal enhancement of immune function.

   How to find the baby's allergy source

The baby is too young to speak. It is often only after feeding that the body shows symptoms that it is allergic to something. However, there are three medical methods to know that the baby has allergic symptoms through blood tests.

At present, skin prick test and blood immunoglobulin E (IgE) test are widely used. Although they are both routine tests for IgE mediated allergens, the testing mechanism is different. Skin prick test is to prick the allergen reagent into the pricked epidermis to observe the reaction. If you have taken anti allergy drugs before the test, it will inevitably affect the test results.

The detection of blood IgE is direct and not affected by drugs. However, only when the serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) reaches a certain concentration in the body can it be detected. Therefore, it is often the anaphylactic symptoms before the IgE positive test results, so for infants within 1 year old or with anaphylactic symptoms less than 6 months old, the IgE test may not be positive.

When allergy is suspected, remove the suspected food or stay away from the suspected environment. If the symptoms obviously improve, then consciously contact the suspected food or environment. If the allergy symptoms reappear, the allergy can be determined. If parents can not accurately judge, they can consult a doctor. "Food avoidance+stimulation" is the main method to diagnose allergy, and blood testing and other means can only be used as auxiliary.

Never use allergen test results as the basis for children's diet selection.

   How to deal with the allergen found

Since the baby's immune system is still in the process of development, if the allergen is found early and evaded as soon as possible, as the baby's immune system gradually matures, the allergy will become weaker and weaker, or even completely cured.

For allergies, most of the time, parents do not necessarily know the allergen, but do not know how to face and deal with it.

Allergen removal is to avoid the food causing allergy and the environment causing allergy. It should be carried out at home. For example, for allergy to mites and dust, we should remove carpets, tapestries, plush toys and other items that may attach to these allergens; When scrubbing the floor and desktop, try to use clean water and avoid using a vacuum cleaner.

Milk protein allergy, in addition to very decisively changing to deep hydrolysis or amino acid formula powder, it is not allowed to eat any milk containing food and supplements, let alone continue to try or change to soymilk, goat milk; If you are allergic to eggs, you should definitely stop eating eggs. You should also not eat any food containing eggs; In addition to avoiding humid environment, mold allergy should also remove edible fungi and fermented food, including fermented food. The same principle applies to other allergies.

Many parents think that it is very difficult to interrupt allergens. In fact, as long as we patiently search for allergens in life, and add allergen detection, we can definitely find allergens. Once the allergen is found, strictly avoid it for at least 6 months, and the situation will naturally improve significantly.

   Three Most Effective Treatments for Allergic Symptoms

1. Allergic symptomatic treatment: medication

For symptomatic treatment of allergies, we often use drugs. Allergy is related to a special immunoglobulin E in the human body. Immunoglobulin E will stimulate the mast cell membrane of the human body to burst, and then release histamine, which will cause allergy symptoms such as redness, swelling, and itching. The most common antihistamine drugs are Kairuitan, diphenhydramine and Xianteming. As for the well-known chlorpheniramine, it is rarely used by infants and children now.

2. Allergic treatment: choose deeply hydrolyzed formula

If the child has cow's milk protein allergy, then we should choose a special hydrolyzed cow's milk protein preparation. A complete milk protein, the baby will be allergic to it, then we can divide it into many small parts. In this way, the nutritional value of milk protein can be preserved, and the allergy will be significantly reduced or disappeared due to the incomplete biological structure. Because the smallest structural component of protein is amino acid, infants allergic to milk can only choose amino acid formula or deep hydrolysis formula.

3. Probiotic therapy for allergy: building a healthy gut

Allergy mainly starts from food allergy. Food allergy is that food is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract without being well digested when it is eaten in the stomach, resulting in the stimulation of food ingredients that are not fully digested to the human body. Absorption without good digestion is caused by unhealthy intestinal flora. Probiotic therapy is to gradually restore the unhealthy intestinal flora, while stimulating the maturation of the systemic immune system. This process can just resist the path leading to allergy. 5. Prevent children from allergy and make preparations before pregnancy

The health and nutritional status of expectant mothers and the early sucking of mother's breast after the birth of children are the key to prevent allergy. During pregnancy, attention should be paid to nutrition, especially intestinal and immune conditions. Some studies have shown that taking probiotics in the last three months of pregnancy can prevent infants from allergic reactions later.

In addition, research shows that more and more people with allergies have an inseparable relationship with their living habits. Premature addition of formula powder, frequent use of antibiotics, and excessive dependence on disinfectants are all factors inducing allergy.

Infant allergy starts from food, mainly milk and eggs. Adding milk early after birth, over reliance on egg yolks, and the increasingly serious "sterile" environment are all factors that lead to more and more allergies. Although it is very important to treat allergies, the most important thing is to prevent allergies. The baby should suck the breast as soon as possible after birth to help and promote the establishment of intestinal flora; Disinfectants should be removed in life; Adhere to exclusive breastfeeding; Use antibiotics as little as possible; Vaccination on time.

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