Acute bacterial sinusitis

The nasal sinus mucosa and nasal cavity mucosa are connected, and the air is also connected. Acute bacterial sinusitis may be caused by infection of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis and other bacteria when a cold occurs. The incidence of sinusitis is often overestimated and underestimated. The overestimation is that once there is yellow nose, it is diagnosed as sinusitis, but in fact, yellow nose may also be one of the natural phenomena in the late stage of a cold. The reason why it is underestimated is that sinusitis is not like otitis media or laryngopharyngitis. It can be seen by looking at it. You need to ask the medical history in detail, especially pay attention to the sequence of symptoms to find out the problem.

There is more than one type of sinusitis. According to the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Acute Bacterial Sinusitis published by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2013, the sinusitis of minors aged 1-18 can be divided into the following three types according to their clinical manifestations:

• Long night dream type: nasal discharge, nasal mucus, daytime cough, not improved for more than 10 days.

• Rebound type: After the cold symptoms have slightly improved, the original symptoms worsen again, or there are original symptoms, such as rhinorrhea or runny nose, daytime cough, and fever.

• Aggressive type: yellow green purulent mucus appears for more than 3 consecutive days, plus a high fever above 39 ℃.

When these three types of symptoms are met, it is still necessary to go through a doctor's examination to determine whether it is sinusitis. For example, the type of long night dream may also be allergic rhinitis or asthma; The comeback type may also be another cold or have bronchitis, pneumonia and other cold complications; The aggressive type may also be the type that gets flu or has complications such as otitis media when the cold is getting better soon. The purpose of introducing these three classifications is to hope that people will not be diagnosed as sinusitis because of the presence of yellow nasal mucus. If none of these types are similar, it is likely that they are just symptoms of late cold.

Compared with adults, children generally do not cry out for headache or facial pain due to sinusitis. You can gently press your child's forehead or cheekbones. If there is inflammation in the frontal sinus or maxillary sinus, you may feel pain. However, considering the children's expressive ability, such an examination may not be entirely credible. It is more valuable for reference when there is only one pain on the left and right sides, or pain before treatment or no pain after treatment. As for the imaging examination, because the common cold may also appear abnormal on the X-ray film, it is only suspected that the sinusitis spreads to the eye socket or

This article is excerpted from the book "Health Book for Children Aged 0-10" authorized by Qingdao Press

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