Epilepsy: a disease good at "72 changes"

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On the World Epilepsy Day on June 28, epilepsy, commonly known as "epilepsy" or "epilepsy", is a chronic brain disease. We can generally understand the brain as a complex circuit, and some areas of the brain of epilepsy patients will have "abnormal discharge", which will bring temporary brain dysfunction, such as seizures, epilepsy. Of course, epilepsy like "epilepsy" is quite obvious and scary; But because our brain is a complex nerve center with different abnormal discharge sites, epilepsy patients may have various manifestations. According to the epidemiological survey results in China, the prevalence rate of epilepsy in urban population can reach 4.4%- 7.0%。, The children in rural areas are significantly higher than those in urban areas. In addition, the prevalence of epilepsy in men is higher than that in women.

   So why do people suffer from epilepsy?

Instructor: Wang Xiaoshan, Department of Neurology, Nanjing Brain Hospital

1. Heredity

It is undeniable that genetic factors are an important cause of epilepsy, especially idiopathic epilepsy.

2. Brain diseases

This range is very wide, such as congenital brain abnormalities, brain tumors, intracranial infections, brain trauma, cerebrovascular diseases, degenerative diseases will lead to epilepsy. We have also met many patients who came to see a doctor because of epilepsy, and found that it was caused by diseases such as intracranial tumors.

3. Other diseases

For example, hypoxia may lead to brain damage and induce epilepsy. For example, some people with asphyxia, carbon monoxide poisoning, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation may have epilepsy problems. Some metabolic, endocrine diseases, or toxic diseases may lead to epilepsy.

The common causes of epilepsy in patients of different ages are also different.

Infantile epilepsy: mainly related to birth injury, hemorrhage, metabolic disorder or genetic factors;

Epilepsy in children and adolescents: mainly related to inflammation, parasites, brain trauma, and cortical development disorders;

Adults: Brain trauma is a common cause of epilepsy in adults. Generally speaking, the more severe the brain trauma, the greater the possibility of epilepsy; Brain tumors can also cause seizures;

Elderly: Stroke is a common cause of epilepsy in the elderly. Some patients have seizures in the acute phase of stroke, and some have seizures after the acute phase.

■ Be alert to epilepsy if you see these

The traditional "epilepsy" symptom, known as "generalized tonic clonic seizure", is the most well-known form of epilepsy, and once it occurs, the patient will be sent to the hospital. But the following epilepsy is easily ignored.

1. Absence seizure: It is a form of epilepsy mainly seen in children.

Generally, the onset occurs after 4-5 years of age. The onset occurs when the person is awake. It shows that the ongoing activity stops suddenly, but does not fall, and his eyes are straight. It is often ignored as "distraction".

2. Myoclonic seizure: It is a common form of epilepsy in children and adolescents.

During the attack, it is manifested as a sudden, rapid and powerful twitch of a part of the body, which can be manifested as a sudden nod, bending or leaning back, or it can be manifested as a sudden backward leaning or leaning to one side of the whole body, and some do not fall to the ground, but only as a "shock". It is easy to be regarded as a child who deliberately "acts strangely".

3. Atonic seizure: It is a special epileptic seizure.

During the attack, the limbs do not twitch, but the muscles suddenly lose tension, which is manifested by sudden weakness of the whole body and inability to maintain normal posture. There is a temporary loss of consciousness during the attack, but it recovers quickly, and may suddenly fall down and immediately stand up. So if there are repeated falls and you have no impression of the situation when you fall, you should consider the possibility of epilepsy.

4. Simple partial attack: it is mostly caused by a certain part of the brain lesion, characterized by clear mind when the attack occurs, and full perception of the performance when the attack occurs; The manifestation varies with the location of the lesion.

If it is a motor attack, it may be manifested as twitching of any part of the body; Rotational attack, when the head and body turn to one side; Postural attack, which often appears the action of "paying attention"; Pronunciation attack, speech interruption and stutter during the attack; Sensory attack, during which auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, or olfactory hallucinations and taste hallucinations may occur; The autonomic nervous system attacks, often manifested as epigastric discomfort, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, pale face or flush; Mental attacks, which are more complex, include memory disorders, cognitive disorders (such as dream like state), and emotional disorders (sudden depression, fear, and inferiority), which generally occur suddenly and disappear quickly.

Xu Xiaorong, Zhu Jingjing

Article keywords: epilepsy

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