so painful! 4-year-old boy's chicken was bitten by a centipede

It's cloudy and rainy this week. Watch out for evil insects hiding at home, especially those living in the old house on the first floor

The weather forecast says that there will be showers every day from today to Sunday in Hangzhou. Although plum blossom has appeared, I always feel the air is wet, sticky and stuffy these days. In this weather, the eight legged snakes and insects are really responsible for making troubles. Even the children's chickens are not spared.

   In the middle of the night, the centipede bit the chicken

"It's a sin. It's too bad to bite. Do doctors care if they bite on this important part?" A young couple came to the dermatology department of Hangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital with a little boy in their arms yesterday when they just went to work.

They took off the boy's trousers and said, "Well, it's on my son's chicken."

The little boy, Jie Jie, is four years old. He lives with his parents in Daguan New Village, Hangzhou, and rents a house on the first floor. Last midnight, the whole family was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, there was a cry. When I turned on the light, Xiao Jie, wearing shift pants, pointed to the chicken with tears on his face and said, "It hurts here."

Staring at Xiaojie's chickens in sleepy eyes, they were red and swollen, and there were two small pinhole sized wounds on them.

"What bit you?" The whole family was sleepless at this time. They turned on all the lights in the room and began to look for the "troublemaker". Finally, at the corner of the bed, he saw a big centipede. Jack was so angry that he stepped on it. Jack's father told Doctor Tao Chengjun of the dermatology department that he was sure it was a centipede, and it was 10 cm long by visual inspection.

Doctor Tao diagnosed Jie Jie and found that he was really bitten by a centipede, so he prescribed an anti-inflammatory and anti allergic injection drug and an external Chinese medicine for clearing heat and detoxification.

"This season, because of the high temperature and heavy humidity in the house, it often attracts some yin loving poisonous insects to hide in their homes, and centipedes like to hide in corners." He told Qian Bao that since June, the outpatient department has almost met patients bitten by centipedes every day, with three or four cases more often.

   In addition to centipedes, we should also guard against spiders and wasps

In addition to the centipede, yesterday morning at the dermatology clinic, Dr. Tao also met the citizens bitten by wasps and spiders.

At the weekend, Mr. Bai and a group of friends went to Jiuxi to play and took off his shoes. While playing, Mr. Bai suddenly felt a sharp pain in the instep. He looked down and saw a big spider quickly crawling over his feet.

At that time, he thought that it didn't matter if the spider took a bite, but the next day he found that his feet were getting swollen and tingling. On the third day, the spider bit the skin to fester and fester, the surrounding skin was red and swollen, and a low fever also occurred. He rushed to the hospital for treatment. The doctor's words made him afraid.

"Your situation is quite dangerous, and it may be life-threatening." Wang Xiaoyong, the deputy chief physician who received the treatment, told him that most spider venoms contain neurotoxins.

Another Mr. Yuan took part in the company's new employee development training. During the training, Mr. Yuan went into the bamboo forest alone, and suddenly gave a scream of "ah" and fainted on the ground. Colleagues rushed him to the emergency department of the city hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. After treatment, Mr. Yuan, who slowly came to life, told the doctor that he saw several bees around his head.

According to the analysis of Yang Min, chief physician of dermatology department, Mr. Yuan should be allergic. There are two components in wasp toxin: one is acidic component, and the other is alkaline component. The latter is very lethal to some people with allergic constitution.

Reporter Ding Yingjuan Correspondent Xu Youjia

Article keywords: centipede penis

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