Is it a disease for a child to cry in the evening?

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What puzzled many parents and kept them fresh in their memory was the "crying at dusk" soon after the baby was born. Every evening from 5:00 to 6:00, I cry for no reason, but I can't help it. Sometimes I can cry until midnight. This phenomenon is called "twilight crying noise syndrome". Parents need not panic. Usually, this difficult crying noise starts about 2 weeks after birth and reaches its peak in the 6-8 weeks, but it is not common after 3-4 months of age. Most of them occur between 5:00 and 8:00 in the evening.

Qiu Yufang, chief physician of the Department of Neonatology of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that "twilight crying" is also called growth crying, which is a sign of children's physical and mental health development, but its cause is still uncertain. At present, there are two versions, one is "intestinal spasm" or "colic", which mostly comes from pediatricians, and the other is related to psychological and cognitive development and other factors.

The term "colic" is very professional, and people often mistake it as a serious disease that needs diagnosis and treatment. However, in fact, it is more likely to be a behavioral syndrome at present. There is no exact cause and no universally applicable treatment. It may be related to constipation, flatulence, diarrhea or milk allergy. If you breathe too much air while breastfeeding or crying, it will also cause abdominal distension. Some children with milk allergy may not have diarrhea, but it is manifested by colic. Due to different physiques, some babies will cry more intensely.

In terms of psychological factors, it can be understood that the baby's nervous system is not yet mature, and constantly receiving and processing new information will inevitably lead to overload.

When the day is coming to an end, the nervous system is finally unable to support it, and let off the pressure of the day by crying. It can also be understood that when the baby comes out of the mother's comfortable womb, he has to make great changes to cope with all the changes around him. Perhaps during most of the day, the baby is trying to comfort himself to adapt to the new environment and life rules, but in the evening, the baby is the most tired, the most depressed, the attachment to the mother (or the main caregiver) is increasing, and finally feels unbearable and starts crying. With the growth of children, this stage will soon pass. All we have to do is wait patiently.

In addition, if the baby is crying badly, accompanied by fever, pallor, repeated vomiting, and bloody stool, he should immediately go to the hospital for examination.

Qian Ying, Su Liping

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