A 10-year-old girl with myasthenia gravis had to lie down for class (picture)

Sometimes, 10 year old Lu Qiuling had to lie on the desk to listen. Fortunately, this girl with myasthenia gravis had a mother who never gave up. In order that her daughter could go to school and study like her peers, Ms. Su left her job to accompany and take care of her daughter 24 hours a day.

In order to facilitate Xiao Qiuling's study, Guangxi Nanning Jicun No. 2 Primary School specially marked out an area at the back of the classroom of Class 1, Grade 2 to place Xiao Qiuling's special seats. The teachers and students in the class are also getting used to having a classmate with his mother at school. After two years of study, Xiao Qiuling not only achieved excellent results in cultural courses, but also showed talent beyond her peers in art.

In addition to Xiao Qiuling, the school also received several children with mild autism. Wei Liding, the headmaster, introduced that the national policy requires that disabled students be arranged to study in regular classes in ordinary schools as much as possible. As Qiu Ling is a student in the school district and has the ability to learn normally under the care of her mother, the school opened the door to her and tried to provide convenience for her learning. In President Wei's opinion, accepting disabled children into school can not only help them better integrate into society, but also teach ordinary children how to respect and care for people around them who are different from themselves. On the occasion of this year's National Handicap Day (the third Sunday in May every year), the Second Primary School of Jicun held a "National Handicap Day" experience activity of respect, acceptance and gratitude among all teachers and students.

Huang Yanzhi, head of the Community Rehabilitation Guidance Section of the Rehabilitation Research Center for the Disabled in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said that due to concerns about safety and other issues, many schools are difficult to take the first step when accepting disabled children to attend regular classes, resulting in a low proportion of non severely disabled children of the current age entering ordinary schools. She believes that the government should not only strengthen the construction of hardware such as barrier free facilities in schools, but also strengthen the training of teachers on special education methods, so as to ensure that the disabled have more opportunities for fair development.

Our reporter Xie Yang/photo report

Article keywords: myasthenia gravis girl

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