Forgot to Pour Barreled Foot Wash; Children Drown into Vegetables

Xie Yongbin, a boy over one year old, accidentally plunged into a plastic bucket filled with foot washing water because he did not pour foot washing water in time after washing his feet. When his family found out, he had no heartbeat or breath. After emergency rescue and two months of treatment, Xiao Yongbin's life was saved, but he became a vegetable.

According to Yongbin's mother Zhang Hui, Yongbin was born in Gaotang Village, Anhuai Town, Pingnan County, Guigang City, Guangxi in January 2014. At 10:00 pm on April 13, Zhang Hui went home from work and poured about 15cm deep water in a plastic bucket to wash her feet in the living room. Because she was too tired, Zhang Hui fell asleep after washing. When she woke up, she went to bed and forgot to pour foot wash.

Yongbin, his son, was only one year old and three months old, and slept in a room with his grandmother. At 6:00 am on April 14, Yongbin got up and played in the living room. At 7:00 pm, Yongbin's grandmother went to the kitchen to make breakfast. At about 8 o'clock, when Grandma returned to the living room after breakfast, she found Yongbin's head had been plunged into the plastic bucket with foot washing water. Grandma hurriedly picked up Yongbin and found that his face was dark, without heartbeat and breathing.

Zhang Hui rushed to the hospital with her son in her arms after hearing the news. After more than 40 minutes of rescue, Yongbin recovered his heartbeat and used a ventilator to assist breathing. The next day, Yongbin was transferred to a hospital in Nanning. After 21 days of observation in the critical ward, he was transferred to the general ward. On May 20, Yongbin was transferred to Guangdong Sanjiu Brain Hospital.

According to Ni Yingying, director of the plant state awareness promotion center of the hospital, the children can automatically open their eyes when they come to the hospital, but they can't make voice, can't make eye contact, have no response to external stimuli, have muscle tension all over the body, diffuse brain atrophy in both hemispheres of the brain, have been diagnosed as vegetative state, hypoxic encephalopathy due to blood deficiency, and after drowning cardiopulmonary resuscitation. At present, it is mainly to carry out comprehensive wake-up treatment for children.

"Originally, he could say he could laugh and walk, but because of my negligence, he can only cry now, and he can't even look up and turn over. Every time I think of this, I regret it." Zhang Hui said with tears in her eyes, "All the treatment costs add up to 180000 yuan, all of which are borrowed. He seems to be getting better these days. Sometimes he seems to understand me. I really hope he can get better as soon as possible. But I borrowed everything I could. I really don't know how to raise the future treatment fees. "

Article keywords: vegetative child

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