Children grow "mumps" in spring, and treat both internally and externally

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Mumps is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by mumps virus. It is mostly seen in children aged 2-15 years old, with a high incidence in March and April every year. It is called "Mumps" in traditional Chinese medicine. It is mainly used to dispel wind and heat, dispel pathogenic factors and detumescence. It is better to treat both internally and externally.

[Treatment based on syndrome differentiation]

1. Wind heat has mild fever and aversion to cold on the surface, swelling and pain under one or both ears, cheek and jaw, unclear boundary, pain in touch, red throat, red tongue, thin white or yellow tongue coating, floating pulse. It is advisable to remove wind and heat, disperse knots and detumescence, and use Yinqiao Powder to add or subtract.

2. The heat toxin accumulates with high fever, swelling and pain of parotid glands on both sides, hard refusal to press, restlessness, or headache, vomiting, constipation, red tongue, yellow fur, and slippery pulse. It is advisable to use Puji Disinfection Drink to clear heat and detoxify, soften hard tissues, and dissipate knots.

3. Five to seven days after the liver, heart and cheek swelled, the fever was strong, the headache was strong, and the patient was lethargic. In severe cases, coma, convulsion, convulsion, crimson tongue, yellow tongue coating, and pulse number were found. It is advisable to clear heat and detoxify, extinguish wind and open orifices, and add or subtract Qingwen Baidu Drink.

4. Poison left abdomen, swelling of testis and cheek gradually disappeared, male mostly had swelling and pain of testis on one side or both sides, female mostly had abdominal pain on one side or both sides, accompanied by fever, vomiting, red tongue, yellow tongue coating, and pulse string number. It is advisable to clear the liver and purge fire, promote blood circulation and relieve pain, and add or subtract Longdan Xiegan Decoction.

[External treatment]

1. Apply proper amount of Indigo Naturalis to the affected area with vinegar, 3-4 times a day.

2. Apply proper amount of Zijin Ingot or Ruyi Jinhuang Powder to the affected part after mixing with water, 3-4 times a day.

3. Cut the cactus into thin slices and stick it on the affected part 3-4 times a day.

4. Choose any one of fresh dandelion, fresh seven leaf flower and fresh purslane, mash the affected part and apply it to the affected part 3-4 times a day.

5. Mash the peeled garlic into a paste, mix it with the aged vinegar, and apply it to the affected part. Change the dressing 2-3 times a day.

6. Take 2 pieces of scallion white, wash them, mash them like mud, mix in 30g of rhubarb powder to form a paste, and apply it to the affected area. Change it once a day.


1. 15 grams of honeysuckle, 20 grams of isatis indigotica root, 12 grams of dayflower, 18 grams of dandelion, 5 honey dates, about 300 ml of liquid medicine boiled with water, and taken warm twice. If the weather is wet, add 15 grams of Tuckahoe, 10 grams of Scrophulariae and 15 grams of raw ground in dry weather.

2. During the epidemic period of mumps, avoid contact with patients with mumps. You can also take Banlangen granules (granules) or take traditional Chinese medicine Banlangen decoction.

Su Xinmin, Associate Professor of Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Article keywords: Mumps mumps

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