Parents should be alert to children over 5 years old crying out for leg pain due to cold

   10 year old child with leg pain after cold suffers from lower limb vein embolism

About a month ago, Xiao Hong caught a cold and coughed badly. Her parents took her to the Department of Pediatrics of Tongde Hospital. At first, she thought it was just a common cold and she would get better after taking medicine for a few days, but after a few days, Xiao Hong suddenly felt pain in her left leg, which was too painful to walk on the ground.

The husband and wife took their daughter to Tongde Hospital, a provincial hospital, to be hospitalized for treatment. At that time, Xiao Hong was lying on the hospital bed, her legs curled up and she screamed pain when she moved. It was difficult for the doctor to check her.

After receiving the treatment, the director of pediatrics, Chen Mingming, had a detailed understanding of Xiao Hong. It was suspected that the lower limb vein embolism was caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae infection.

"Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection can cause respiratory tract infection and systemic diseases, such as blood hypercoagulability, which may lead to venous embolism." Dr. Chen said that this situation is very rare, and he has not encountered it before, but he has heard of similar cases from relevant literature and peers.

In addition to limb vascular embolism, severe cases will cause cerebral infarction and limb paralysis. A small cold has developed into cerebral infarction and paralysis. It is difficult for families without medical knowledge to understand it. They have heard of medical disputes caused by it in the past, so Dr. Chen was very cautious and contacted Wang Xiaodong, deputy chief physician of vascular surgery, for consultation.

With the cooperation of her parents, Dr. Wang gave Xiao Hong a bedside ultrasound of blood vessels. Vascular ultrasound quickly told the doctor the answer: Xiao Hong had a deep vein thrombosis. "Normal blood vessels will become flat when pressed, but the little girl's blood vessels are full of thrombus, which cannot be pressed flat."

   Children over 5 years old have a cold and cry for leg pain

   Parents should be alert

Wang Xiaodong told reporters that there are three main factors for the formation of thrombus in blood vessels: high blood coagulation, slow blood flow, and vascular intima damage.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection can cause blood hypercoagulability, which is also indicated by laboratory examination results during hospitalization. Xiao Hong's cold was caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. But there is only one factor, which generally does not cause thrombosis. There must be other factors.

Through talking with her parents, Wang Xiaodong learned that Xiao Hong usually likes playing computer games. This time, she caught a cold and did not rest well. She also had to sit in front of the computer for an hour or two every day.

"Sitting in front of a computer for a long time or taking a long flight, the lower limb muscle activity decreases, which leads to a slow blood flow, which may lead to deep vein thrombosis." Wang Xiaodong analyzed that Xiaohong's thrombosis this time is also related to sitting for a long time after infection with pneumonia.

Doctor Chen said that Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is often seen in children over 5 years old. He reminded parents that if a child has leg pain after a cold and is unwilling to walk, they should be alert and go to the hospital in time.

Today is the World Thrombosis Day, and Wang Xiaodong also wants to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the older you are, the higher the risk of thrombosis. The elderly are hospitalized and spend more time in bed, so we should pay attention to venous thrombosis; Ordinary people, if you work at a desk, drive, or sit still for a long time every day, the risk of thrombosis is not small. Drink more water, move more, and avoid sitting for a long time. The 10 year old child has venous thrombosis, and his legs are too painful to walk. The doctor reminds that parents should be alert when children over 5 years old cry for leg pain when they have a cold

I thought it was just a common cold, but I almost got brain infarction. Mr. Chen and his wife were relieved to see their 10-year-old daughter finally recover from hospital.

Their daughter, Xiao Hong, was only 10 years old this year. She suffered from leg pain after catching a cold. When she went to the hospital, she found that the blood vessels in her left leg were full of thrombus.

Reporter Ding Yingjuan Correspondent Ying Xiaoyan

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Article keywords: Venous thrombosis of lower extremity

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