Maternal odor affects baby's "eating" mood

The mother's body odor has a special attraction for the baby, and can stimulate a pleasant "meal" mood? If the mother makes up heavily to feed breast milk, the smell of cosmetics can mask the familiar mother's smell, which can make it difficult for the baby to adapt? Postpartum mothers who make up heavily to feed breast milk will make the baby depressed, but the appetite will decline and hinder the development? There are articles on the Internet that the mother's body odor has a special attraction for the baby, and can stimulate a happy "meal" mood. Even a newborn baby will turn its head to the direction with mother's smell and look for nipples.

The article said that the mother's body odor helps the baby to suckle. If the mother makes up heavily to feed breast milk, the smell of cosmetics can cover up the familiar mother's smell, which can make it difficult for the baby to adapt, leading to depression, decreased appetite, and hindering development. In this regard, Dr. Mary said that there is no evidence that feeding breast milk with heavy makeup can reduce the appetite of babies. Doctor Mary said that babies really rely on their sense of smell to find their mother's nipples. If the mother puts on perfume or heavy makeup, the fragrance may cause confusion for the baby, and they can't find where the nipples are at the moment. "But this will not bring too big a problem." Dr. Mary said that after the baby found the nipple, he could still continue to suck the nipple and drink the breast milk.

   ◆ Right or wrong breast feeding

   Rumor: Mom can't nurse after being angry or exercising?

Experiments in the United States have shown that when people are angry, their bodies can produce toxins, which can make water purple and precipitate. This suggests that if the mother is angry or just gives birth to gas and then feeds, the baby may inhale milk with "toxins", which is not good for health.

In addition, people will produce lactic acid in their bodies during exercise, and lactic acid will make milk taste bad if it stays in the blood, so mothers will feed milk immediately after exercise, and babies will not like it.

Dr. Mary: No clinical evidence. When you are in a bad mood, the hormone may fluctuate, but it will not affect the composition of milk.

   Rumor: Lie down feeding causes baby to vomit milk?

   Does the baby lie down and drink milk, easy to vomit milk and also easy to inflate?

Dr. Mary: Let the baby lie down and drink milk. The milk will easily flow back into the baby's lungs. The baby will choke, but it will not inflate. Mom can sit on the bed with a few pillows on her back; Or sit on the chair, step one foot on the small chair, hold the baby, and gently hold the nipple with the other hand with the thumb and forefinger to feed, so as to prevent the nipple from blocking the baby's nostrils or causing the baby to cough and vomit milk due to too urgent milk.

Breastfeeding should be treated with a calm mind. Don't rush even if the milk is not enough for the time being, and don't immediately feed milk powder for fear that the baby will not drink enough.

   Rumor: Does the baby laugh when drinking milk, causing pneumonia?

If you tease your baby when he is suckling, the baby's throat glottis will open, and the milk inhaled may enter the trachea by mistake. In the light case, choking milk, and in the severe case, inhalation pneumonia may be induced.

Dr. Mary: The clinical case shows that babies are not always amused when they drink milk, and there is no clinical basis.

   Rumor: postpartum weight loss, lack of milk fat?

Some pregnant women feel fat after delivery and lose weight immediately. But fat is an important part of milk. Once the fat from food is reduced, the mother will use the stored fat to produce milk, and the stored fat is not good for the baby's health.

Dr. Mary: Women really shouldn't lose weight quickly after childbirth, which will affect the fat content of milk. However, women should not eat twice after childbirth because they want to feed breast milk. Postnatal weight should be kept steadily decreasing, which is the most appropriate.

   ◆ Three guidelines for breastfeeding

Doctor Mary said that, especially for mothers who are about to breast feed their first child, breast feeding seems easy but is actually not easy. So Dr. Mary suggested:

1) Mom keeps calm

Breastfeeding should be treated with a calm mind. Don't rush even if the milk is not enough for the time being, and don't immediately feed milk powder for fear that the baby will not drink enough.

Mom should not compare who feeds better with others, because everyone's situation is different, and everything should be done slowly.

2) Get enough sleep to reduce stress

Most newborn babies will make trouble in the middle of the night. The mother will not get enough sleep because she has to take care of the baby, which will affect the secretion of milk.

So remember to try to ensure enough sleep to make milk secrete normally.

3) Control drug intake

Ordinary cold medicine, pain killer, etc., can be taken by postpartum mothers; However, if it is an antibiotic, it is best to consult a doctor and take it with the doctor's approval. Article/ Dr Mary

Article keywords: Mother's body odor breast-feeding

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