More than one year old baby plays with scissors. The scissors are inserted 4cm into the skull

 The scissors are inserted into the skull of a baby over 1 year old. The above picture is an X-ray photo. Photographed by Qian Kun The scissors are inserted into the skull of a baby over 1 year old. The above picture is an X-ray photo. Photographed by Qian Kun

At about 3:00 p.m. on the 10th, the emergency room of Nanjing Children's Hospital received a child from Suqian who had a pair of scissors inserted into his head. After more than three hours of surgery, the doctor took out the scissors, and the child was saved. Fortunately, the scissors avoided the main intracranial vessels and did not damage too much brain tissue.

   The child played alone, and the scissors stuck near the temple

According to the family of Hong Hong (a pseudonym), her youngest daughter Hong Hong was 22 months old. The day before yesterday, when it was almost lunch time, Hong Hong's parents were busy preparing lunch in the kitchen, leaving her to play in the room alone. Suddenly, the daughter's heart rending cry came from the room, and the couple rushed into the room. The scene in front of them scared them: the daughter sat on the floor of the room crying loudly, a red scissors was inserted obliquely near the child's right eye near the temple, and blood flowed down the ear to the ground.

The couple were so flustered that their mother cried loudly. A few seconds later, the two men who woke up quickly picked up their daughter and rushed to the hospital.

After the couple took the child to the local hospital, the doctor who received the treatment suggested that the child should be transferred to another hospital immediately. Three hours later, the couple rushed into the emergency room of Nanjing Children's Hospital with Hong Hong in their arms.

The parents of the child said that they did not know how the scissors were inserted into the child's head.

   The 4cm long scissors head has entered the skull

"At the time of reception, the child's wound did not bleed, but we do not know how deep the scissors pierced, and the child's cry was too heart wrenching," emergency surgery doctor Zou told reporters. In order to prevent the child from crying and affecting the disposal, and also to meet the need of inspection, the medical staff in the rescue room quickly applied sedatives to the child. Under the effect of the drugs, Hong Hong soon fell asleep.

After a detailed examination, the doctor found that the 15cm long scissors were obliquely inserted into Hong Hong's head from above the right temple, and about 4cm long scissors head went through the child's right temporal bone and into the brain. CT examination showed slight intracranial hemorrhage.

   Thanks to the scissors avoiding the main blood vessels, the operation was successful

After intensive consultation, the doctor suggested immediate surgery. At around 16:00, Hong Hong was pushed into the operating room for craniotomy after making full preparations for the operation.

After more than three hours' efforts, the scissors were taken out, the operation was successful, and the child was saved. "The scissors pierced the brain from the right temporal bone of the child, passed through the dura mater, reached the cerebral cortex, and inserted about 1.5 cm into the brain tissue." Deputy chief physician He Junping, who was in charge of the knife, said, but fortunately, because the path of the scissors pierced avoided the main intracranial vessels, and did not damage too much brain tissue, the whole operation was very smooth.

After the operation, Hong Hong was sent to the intensive care unit. The doctor said that the 72 hours after the operation were very critical. Hong Hong had to go through the bleeding and infection levels. As long as Hong Hong could get through it successfully, he could then be transferred to the general ward. Correspondent Pang Fang, reporter of Yangzi Evening News Yu Dandan

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