3-year-old girl was hit by head fracture, coma, or a neighbor boy

 3-year-old girl in the suburbs, head broken and bleeding 3-year-old girl in the suburbs, head broken and bleeding 3-year-old girl in the suburbs, head broken and bleeding 3-year-old girl in the suburbs, head broken and bleeding

On the afternoon of October 6, a 3-year-old girl named Jiaojiao (not her real name) was found by a passer-by, Uncle Li, who was lying beside a barren wall at the north end of Gaojiahuayuan Bridge in Jiangbei District, covered with blood. Yesterday, Jiaojiao was still in the municipal children's hospital due to brain injury, but she was transferred from the intensive care unit out of danger. Who on earth did it?

   Citizens holding injured girl

   3-year-old girl is unconscious in the wasteland

Yesterday, Chongqing Evening News reporter learned the initial diagnosis results of Jiaojiao: concussion, left frontal bone fracture; Cranial laceration of zygomaticus, top and occipital parts; Multiple soft tissue contusions throughout the body.

Mr. Huang, Jiaojiao's father, said that on the afternoon of the 6th, Uncle Li, a nearby resident, passed by the north bridge of Gaojia Garden and vaguely saw a man lying nearby. Approaching, a little girl was lying under the broken wall, her face covered with blood. This is a wasteland beside Beiqiaotou. After demolition, it has been abandoned and overgrown with weeds. A light rail station is being built nearby. At that time, she still had a little consciousness, and Uncle Li immediately called 110.

The police of Shimen Police Station in Jiangbei District rushed to the scene. Because Jiaojiao was seriously injured, she was transferred to the Children's Hospital immediately.

   Once went out with the boy next door

There are five people in Jiaojiao's family, including his father, Mr. Huang, his wife, and his grandparents. The family has lived here on lease for several years. The place where the accident happened is less than 700 meters away from Jiaojiao's residence, but the terrain is complex, and it can only be reached through a pedestrian overpass.

The police visited and learned that an old man who set up a stall saw a little girl and a little boy go out of the community that afternoon. The police speculated that Jiaojiao's accident might be related to the little boy.

The police learned that the boy was a petite neighbor and an 11 year old child (not his real name). Neighbors reported that children have slight IQ problems.

Police speculate that there are two reasons: either Jiaojiao fell down the steps accidentally and got hurt, or Jiaojiao was pushed down the steps by children when she was playing.

   Both parents want to find witnesses

The parents of both sides have their own words. Mr. Huang said that although Tongtong was the most suspected, there was no exact evidence at present. The boy's father, Mr. Zhao, said that he hoped that some witnesses would wash away the suspicion for his son.

At present, Jiaojiao has spent tens of thousands of yuan on her treatment, of which 5000 yuan was paid by Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao said that the advance payment for treatment was not to admit that his son was a "murderer", but that everyone was a neighbor and should help when it was difficult. He said that it could not be his son who hurt her. "My son always takes good care of my sister and holds her hand when crossing the road." He said that if it was really a child who accidentally hurt her, he would be willing to take responsibility. Mr. Zhao admitted that his son has some questions about his IQ, but he still hasn't asked why.

Mr. Huang said that he would not like his daughter to play in Tongtong's home because Tongtong is different from ordinary children. Mr. Huang said that his daughter told the nurse vaguely that someone pushed herself down the steps and threw a stone on her. Jiaojiao only said that she was "beaten by her brother". As for whether her brother was a child, it is unknown now.

Now, both parents are in urgent need of witnesses passing by at that time. The police hope that informed citizens can provide clues. The contact number is 67113110.

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