53 day old baby is covered to death when suckling

   Jinling Evening News Collect this article      

Jinling Evening News (correspondent Kong Xiaoming, Qian Ying, Wu Yeqing, reporter Su Liping) On April 6, when a mother was feeding at night, she fell asleep because she was too sleepy. Her breast blocked the mouth and nose of the sucking baby, which eventually led to tragedy. The baby was only 53 days old. Seeing such news, I believe all parents are worried. Yesterday, the reporter consulted relevant experts from Nanjing Children's Hospital and Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital on this matter.

Yesterday, the reporter contacted Jiang Tao, the chief physician of the emergency department of Nanjing Children's Hospital. He said that since 2014, the hospital has not received any cases of mothers "strangling" their babies because they fell asleep. However, there are about 10 cases of children being smothered to death in one year. Some parents worry that children are too cold and wrap too much quilt for children, which will cause such misfortune.

Jiang Tao said frankly that this has a lot to do with the propaganda and education of medical personnel and the guidance of the media to the public on correct feeding knowledge through news events.

Director Jiang Tao told the reporter, first of all, don't let the child sleep with his mother's nipples in his mouth. This will not only affect the child's sleep, but also make the child develop a bad habit of eating milk. In addition, after the mother is asleep, it is easy to make the breast press the child's nostrils, causing suffocation.

Secondly, "It's better to sit up and feed at night." Although mother works harder, this kind of tragedy can be prevented. If you really don't want to, you must stay awake and put the baby on the crib when he is full. It is better not to let adults sleep with children. Because adults work too hard to take care of children during the day, they tend to sleep too deeply at night, and accidentally press the children to be unaware, causing tragedy.

Yesterday, the reporter came to Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital and interviewed Xue Haihua, an obstetric clinic nurse. She told the reporter that if a mother adopts the side lying feeding method for babies less than three months old, she must raise her hand on the side lying above the child's head. In addition, do not let the child's head rest on the mother's arm, or the mother's hands do not surround the child, which will prevent the child from turning over and turning his head, thus causing suffocation tragedy.

Article keywords: The baby was smothered to death nurse

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