Allergy entangles pregnant mother, misusing tattoo remover or aggravating pregnancy urticaria

Miss Yang, the "expectant mother" who was 36 weeks pregnant, recently encountered a disturbing thing: a few days ago, a lot of red and itchy pimples suddenly appeared at the stretch marks on her abdomen, making her unable to sleep at night. The dermatologist said after examination that this is pruritus urticaria papule and plaque disease of pregnancy, which is a severe pruritus skin disease often occurring in the late pregnancy of primipara. As long as symptomatic treatment is carried out, it can generally be alleviated, and there is not too much adverse effect on the fetus.

   Hypersensitivity due to tissue damage caused by striae gravidarum

Li Xiaowei, deputy chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that pruritus urticaria papules and plaques in pregnancy, also known as pleomorphic plaques in pregnancy, are typical symptoms of urticaria papules and plaques in late pregnancy with severe itching; It often appears first in the abdominal stretch marks, which can slowly affect the thighs, buttocks, chest and back, while the hands, feet, face and mucous membranes can usually survive.

He pointed out that at present, the cause of pruritus urticaria papules and plaques in pregnancy is not clear, and it is believed that this is related to the damage of connective tissue in the stria gravidarum during pregnancy, which can induce allergic reactions. The symptoms caused by this disease will slowly heal with childbirth. Although the disease has no great adverse effect on the fetus, the itching during its onset makes pregnant women very uncomfortable. Many pregnant mothers even have severe itching that affects their rest and mood. Therefore, pruritus urticaria papules and plaques in pregnancy should not be underestimated.

Avoid allergic diet and use various ointment carefully

At present, prevention and symptomatic treatment are the main measures for this special urticaria:

1、 Eat reasonably. The incidence of urticaria has a certain relationship with diet. On diet, we should pay attention to eating more vitamin rich fresh vegetables and fruits, and avoid eating too much spicy, high sugar, greasy, seafood, etc.

2、 Do not scratch or apply hot. The intuitive reaction of ordinary people to skin itching is to grasp it with their hands. This action can not stop the itching, but will make it more and more itchy. Because scratching will release more histamine from the local skin, which will aggravate the itching symptoms. Similarly, hot compress will aggravate the condition.

3、 Pregnant mothers should be careful with medication. When the skin is itchy, you can reasonably use some topical drugs such as calamine lotion to relieve itching under the guidance of the doctor, and do not use them indiscriminately.

4、 It is not suitable to apply various anti stretch marks ointment randomly. Avoid external application of anti wrinkle plaster, olive oil, baby mineral oil and other suspicious allergens to avoid aggravating the itching symptoms.

5、 In case of serious illness, it is recommended to go to the dermatology department of the hospital for treatment.

6、 Keep a good attitude. Good mood is equally important for the recovery of disease. Remember to be irritable and depressed to avoid the cycle process of getting more upset and getting more upset. The choice of ventilated and cool environment and happy mood is conducive to the relief of itching symptoms. ■ New Express reporter Liang Yu Correspondent Peng Wenbin Lin Huifang

Article keywords: Urticaria Pregnancy allergy

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