Is Allergy "Homosexual"?

Rumor: The American Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology published a discovery by British scientists that allergy is not only inherited, but also has the characteristics of "homosexual inheritance" between two generations. Professor Hassan Ashard, the director of the Department of Allergy and Immunology at the University of Southampton, UK, and others conducted a follow-up study on 1456 patients born 23 years ago. The results showed that the risk of asthma in boys would double only if the father had asthma, while if the mother had asthma, the risk of asthma in daughters would double, but would not be passed on to sons. The study also found that if the mother suffers from eczema, the risk of her daughter suffering from eczema will increase by 50%, and the probability of eczema being passed from father to son is similar to this.

   Better living conditions are more likely to make people allergic

According to the research of American scholars, teenagers growing up in families with superior material conditions are more likely to suffer from various allergies than children from poor families.

It is reported that the number of people suffering from allergic diseases in the United States has been on the rise in the past 10 years, according to the statistics of researchers in the health care field of the National Center for Statistics. Among them, the number of food allergy cases increased by 50%, while the number of people suffering from allergic eczema increased by 69%. In the research field of infant allergic diseases, there is a famous "health theory" that exposure to a certain amount of bacteria and dust at the beginning of life will start the human immune system and prepare for future threats. This theory is supported by the fact that the incidence of allergic diseases is higher in metropolises than in towns, while towns are higher than in villages.

In addition, according to researchers from Henry Ford Hospital in the United States, babies born by caesarean section are five times more likely to be allergic to common allergens (such as dust mites and pets) than those born naturally. Because the babies born by caesarean section do not pass through the birth canal, they cannot contact the bacteria in the mother's birth canal and intestines, resulting in incomplete development of the immune system.

   Ultraviolet and drug allergy are increasing

In China, although the characteristics of allergic inheritance are not as distinct as reported in the literature, children with allergies and their parents with a history of allergic diseases are everywhere. In addition to genetic characteristics, there is also skin allergy caused by gene mutation. For example, children with atopic dermatitis will generally have mutations in the filaggrin gene in the skin, which will lead to the destruction of the skin barrier and skin allergy.

Adults, especially the elderly and women, are often allergic to stress, endocrine disorders, aging, functional degradation and other factors. In addition, ultraviolet rays and drugs will also become important allergic factors.

In recent years, with the increase of people's outdoor activities, the frequency and types of medication increased, and these two types of allergies showed a significant growth trend. Ultraviolet allergy is characterized by erythema, scale, itching, etc. on exposed parts such as face. Some chronic ultraviolet allergy often leads to local skin thickening, such as leather. Drug allergy is also an allergy that has increased rapidly in recent years. Antibiotics, antipyretic analgesics, anti anxiety drugs, psychotropic drugs, antiepileptic drugs, and drugs for gout are all common drugs that induce allergy. Some drug allergies occur minutes or hours after the drug is taken, some occur days or weeks later, and some have even longer incubation periods. It is difficult to find the cause of drug allergy after taking the drug for several months.

Lin Li arranges

Article keywords: allergy Homogamous inheritance

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