Eighty percent of foreign bodies in digestive tract occur in children

Eating foreign objects by mistake is an accident that is easy to happen in childhood. If the head of the family does not find it in time, it may cause irreversible consequences. Recently, 4-year-old girl Yiyi swallowed her hairpin by mistake, which frightened her family.

   The hair clip fell into the girl's stomach

Recently, Yiyi was taken to Foshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital for treatment. "The parents were very nervous, and said that the child swallowed his hairpin hours ago," said Dr. Qin Zhoulian, a doctor of pediatrics. The doctor immediately checked Yiyi's chest and abdomen. The results showed that there was a foreign body in the child's digestive tract, and Yiyi was immediately admitted to hospital.

The hairpin is a small ornament commonly used by girls. How Yiyi put her hairpin in her mouth and swallowed it, parents can't explain it clearly. Fortunately, the foreign body in the child's body was stuck between the stomach and duodenum in time for medical treatment, and the foreign body can be removed with gastroscope. "If you go further down, the length of the gastroscope will not be enough. If the foreign body enters the intestinal tract, you have to wait for it to be eliminated by yourself. During this process, the foreign body may break through the intestinal wall, and after causing damage, an open surgery will be used." Luo Weiyao, the pediatric attending physician, said.

That night, Yiyi underwent tracheal intubation and general anesthesia. Considering the sharp end of the hairpin swallowed by the child, it is easy to puncture other organs when taking it out, Luo Weiyao was very careful during the operation. The original 3-5 minute operation took nearly 10 minutes. "When the gastroscope extends to the foreign body, the position of the foreign body should be adjusted according to the situation. Put the round end on it and take it out gently, especially to the throat where it is easy to slip again. In order to prevent the foreign body from slipping, the forceps should be in place.

In addition, endotracheal intubation anesthesia has a benefit, because the foreign body stays in the body for several hours, it is very slippery, and it will fall into the trachea when it reaches the throat, causing the second injury. The endotracheal intubation anesthesia can ensure that the foreign body does not slide into the trachea. "

With the efforts of the medical staff, Yiyi's hairpin was successfully taken out, with a length of about 5cm. Yiyi was discharged from the hospital the next day after a night of hospital observation.

   Eighty percent of foreign bodies in digestive tract occur in children

Luo Weiyao said that every year, the pediatrics department of Foshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital will treat many children who swallow foreign bodies. More than 80% of cases of foreign bodies in digestive tract occur in children, mostly younger than 5 years old, especially under 3 years old. Most foreign bodies can be discharged by themselves, but 10% to 20% of the foreign bodies in the upper digestive tract need to be removed by endoscopy, and about 1% of the foreign bodies go deep into places that cannot be removed by gastrointestinal endoscopy, and need to be removed by open surgery. "If the foreign body remains in the body for a long time, it may cause complications such as gastrointestinal mucosa injury, intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding or even perforation, and even death in serious cases."

It is reported that the endoscope can take out objects including foreign bodies in the esophagus, sharp or needle shaped foreign bodies with a length of more than 4 cm or a width of more than 2 cm, foreign bodies that remain in the stomach or duodenum, contain toxic foreign bodies, blunt foreign bodies, foreign bodies that remain in the stomach after two weeks or still remain in the duodenum after one week, etc. In addition, the battery is corrosive and can corrode the esophagus. If the battery is swallowed, it must be taken out as soon as possible within four hours. He reminded parents that it is best to bring the same sample as the child's swallowed items when coming to see a doctor for reference during surgery.

Guangzhou Daily (reporter Huo Zekai, correspondent Zhang Qiufang)

Article keywords: foreign body

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