How to deal with children's poor eyesight surrounded by electronic products?

Due to the development of information science and technology, more and more new technology products are coming to our children. Mobile phones and pads are always in hand, and children's eyes become more tired as new media tools enter the school classroom and homework. Each child has a small glasses on his nose, and his sight becomes more and more blurred in the distance.

 How to save children's eyesight when they are surrounded by electronic products? How to deal with children's poor eyesight surrounded by electronic products?

   Current situation Myopia clinic the house is crowded in every part Younger patients

In the past six or seven years, the rate of myopia visits in the ophthalmic clinic of Beijing Children's Hospital has increased by 15% to 20% every year. In 2013, the number of ophthalmic summer clinics reached 1600 people/day, of which 70% were children with myopia. In the summer clinic this year, the ophthalmology department was overcrowded again, especially when the school year was approaching, and the outpatient clinic was crowded with myopic children. The biggest concern of the myopia clinic is the younger age of myopia, and there are not a few cases of myopia of four or five years old in the clinic.

   Research Electronic products aggravate eye diseases such as myopia

Some high-tech products, especially mobile phones and handheld game consoles, have small screens. In order to see images and words clearly, children must operate them closely. In addition, the brightness of the iPad is 4 times that of the ordinary computer screen. The color is brighter and the color contrast is higher. When the iPad is very close to the eyes, the strong light will directly and intensively shine into the eyes, and the pupils will continue to shrink to adapt to the changes in light sources. Children play with mobile phones mostly in dynamic pictures, and their eyes keep moving back and forth on the screen. The ciliary muscles that regulate the pupils will always remain tense, and too strong light will make people tired. And playing for a long time can lead to ciliary muscle spasm, which is prone to visual fatigue, resulting in accommodative myopia and even exacerbating true myopia.

In addition, the screen light is too strong or too weak to produce a strong contrast with the surrounding, and the picture quality is low, which is also easy to cause eye discomfort. Children often feel dry eyes, difficulty in opening eyes, foreign body feeling, bulging eyes, unstable vision, followed by pseudomyopia, until true myopia occurs.

   Tips: These eye care knowledge must be told to children( Wu Qian, Deputy Director of Ophthalmology Department of Beijing Children's Hospital )

1. Electronic products for close use shall be kept at a distance of more than 33cm

When looking at objects close to you, you must keep a distance of more than 33cm. If you are too close, you will increase the load of eye adjustment and the occurrence of myopia.

2. Take a break every half hour when using electronic products

Long time use of eyes, reduced blinking, and long time tension of eye muscles are bound to aggravate myopia and asthenopia. It is recommended to have a rest every half an hour after using your eyes closely.

3. Do more outdoor activities to enhance eye nutrition

According to research, while outdoor activities themselves reduce close eye activities, sunlight has also played a role in preventing myopia. At the same time, pay attention to supplement nutrition for the eyes. Eat less sweets and fatty foods and more foods containing lutein.

4. Don't watch your phone while walking.

   Reminder Four things parents need to know to protect their eyesight

Children under 1.6 years old are not recommended to watch 3D movies

Zou Xiulan, deputy chief ophthalmologist of the General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region, said that children under six years old are not recommended to see 3D movies. Some countries have legislated to prohibit young children from watching 3D movies. Even children aged 7 to 8 have 15-20 minutes of attention. Movies often lasting more than 2 hours are a great burden to children's eyes.

2. Carefully purchase laser toys

Take the laser pen as an example. Unlike ordinary light or flashlight light, it is scattering light. The light of the laser pen belongs to parallel light. Even if it is cast far away, the light spot is very small, which means that the energy value per unit area is very high. The macular area is a dense area of human retinal pigment, which is easier to absorb the energy of laser, so the macula is particularly vulnerable to the damage of laser thermal radiation. Once the macula is damaged, vision will decline sharply.

3. Develop children's intelligence and vigilance at the cost of hurting eyes

With the development of modern information society and parents' attention to infant intellectual development, many children aged 0 to 6 years are passively or actively receiving a lot of visual information every day. In this stage of the fastest eye development, children's eyes will develop from hyperopia (initial growth state) to emmetropia and even myopia (overgrowth state) if they are in a close and fine visual environment for a long time (such as watching TV, painting, learning computers, etc.). If glasses are not matched and corrected in time and the visual environment is improved, myopia will further develop.

4. Poor sunglasses are not available

It is necessary to protect baby's eyes from sun. Because the baby's cornea and lens are clearer than adults, they are also more vulnerable to ultraviolet rays. If you do not pay attention to sun protection, your baby's corneal epithelium may be damaged, and at the same time, your baby's retina and macula may be burned, affecting your baby's vision development, and even laying hidden dangers for eye diseases such as cataracts. Therefore, the baby's sunscreen efforts in summer can not miss the important part of eye sunscreen. Adults can wear sunglasses to shade themselves, but babies can't wear them all at once. The main function of sunglasses is to block ultraviolet rays, but inferior sunglasses can not shield harmful rays, but also damage the eyes.

   The children with myopia usually have these manifestations in the early stage

1. Blink frequently

Frequent blinking can increase visual acuity, so children will blink frequently when they cannot see clearly.

2. Squint your eyes or tilt your head when looking

When squinting, the eyelids can block part of the pupils and reduce light scattering, thus temporarily improving and improving vision. Looking at objects sideways can reduce the impact of scattered light on vision, so some children will look at things sideways in the early stage of myopia.

3. Likes to pull the corners of the eyes

When you look at something, pull your eyes outward with your hands, which can produce the same effect as tilting your head and squinting your eyes. Therefore, children like to do this when they can't see clearly.

4. Keep your eyes close to things when looking

5. Say you see things vaguely or often see the wrong person

   Interaction with netizens

Children are immersed in electronic products all day long and can't pull them out@ A big gray wolf

Correct eye hygiene habits are very important. Our children wore glasses when they were in the first grade, and now they regret it!!! You shouldn't throw pad to him when you dislike him@ Mamma Mia

I am nearsighted, my father is nearsighted, and my wife is nearsighted. If I give birth to a child and do not want him to be nearsighted, should I not let him contact electronic products since he was born? So the question comes, should he go to live in an alien planet@ A big rotten egg

   What I made up

As a person who has worn glasses for 12 years, Xiao Bian deeply felt how inconvenient it is to have glasses on his nose. A thousand words just want to sum up into one sentence: If you give me another chance, I will protect my eyes to the death. What can't stop watching TV, stare at the mobile phone screen, lie down and read... I don't love anymore.

Sina parenting comprehensive Beijing News, Life Times, Nanfang Daily, China Economic Network, Weibo and other reports


Article keywords: children vision electronic product eye

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