4-year-old girl drowned and CPR saved her life

Nanfang Daily (reporter/correspondent Li Wencai/Tang Qisen and Xie Lizhong) recently at Xinyi Shangwen Swimming Stadium, a 4-year-old girl accidentally drowned. Chen Yanmei, an employee of Xinyi Sihe Power Supply Station, who was resting nearby, rescued her and immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the girl.

Recently, Chen Yanmei took her son to Xinyi Shangwen Swimming Pool to swim. Suddenly, she heard a cry coming from the children's pool. A boy in the pool picked up a 4-year-old girl and exclaimed that the girl was drowning. At that time, the lifeguard of the children's swimming pool walked away, and Chen Yanmei immediately went to the pool to pick up the girl. At this time, the girl was unconscious, her hands and feet were soft, her face was blue, and she lost consciousness.

Chen Yanmei immediately used the method of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to put the girl flat on the ground and squeeze her out of the chest, trying to recover the girl's heartbeat. At the same time, she called the lifeguard loudly. After about 5 minutes, the lifeguard came after hearing the news and continued to rescue the girl. The girl finally came to life.

Article keywords: drowning Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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