14 month old baby choked to death after hooking up his pajamas on the bed

The Daily Mail reported this morning that the baby's pajamas were hooked by a plastic hook installed outside the bed, causing suffocation.

It is reported that the baby has been sleeping in this simple bed since April 17 last year, and her mother Anderson will check it every hour. However, when Ms. Anderson checked the child at 3 p.m., she found that her pajamas were tied around the child's neck and hooked outside the makeshift bed. She quickly carried her daughter to a neighbor's house, where they performed CPR on the child until the ambulance arrived and sent the child to King's College Hospital in Cumberville. However, the child died.

The autopsy found that there was a slight strangulation mark on the child's neck, there was no other suspicious trace, and there was no evidence that the child was suffering from a serious disease. Coroner Sarah concluded that the incident was accidental death. Ms. Anderson said: "The child was hanged because his clothes were caught by a hook on the bed."

According to the report, the couple bought plastic Krokig hooks and Somnat simple beds online. The simple bed and hook are purchased in different IKEA stores, and these two items are not bundled items. The coroner said that such incidents had never occurred in IKEA products. The child may try to climb out of the makeshift bed and his clothes get caught.

Gary Robertson, the deputy risk manager of IKEA, said that this hook was originally designed to be screwed into the wall and sold separately. It has never been bundled with a bed in the store or online. However, he said that the company had drafted new warning signs and would use them in the next six months. New sign: Do not attach or add anything inside or outside the bed.

(Reporter Zhang Jieqing and Li Zhihao)

Article keywords: Child accident Suffocate to death

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