The boy was bedridden for seven years because he ate rat poison by mistake when he was two years old

 Junsheng tried to eat by himself, but his hand could not hold the spoon Junsheng tried to eat by himself, but his hand could not hold the spoon

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Huang Zhouhui and correspondent Hu Yuhuai took photos and reported that when he was two years old, he was poisoned by eating rat poison by mistake. Although Chen Junsheng, a 9-year-old boy, has been treated intermittently for seven years, he is still unable to speak clearly and walk. A few days ago, when the Guangdong Sanjiu Brain Hospital learned that Junsheng still had hope for treatment, Chen Junsheng's mother Wang Jiqin said that she would earn money to treat her son even if she went to pick up junk.

Wang Jiqin's hometown is Luolou Village, Xingji Town, Xinyang City, Henan Province. On the morning of October 28, 2007, Junsheng's parents went to the mountain to do farm work, and Junsheng ran to play in the same village. At noon that day, a grandpa who was busy cooking at home suddenly found Junsheng lying on the ground, his eyes turned up, his body twitched, and then he became unconscious. It turned out that Junsheng ate the fried dough sticks in the cabinet, which were mixed with rat poison!

Junsheng was immediately sent to the local hospital for rescue. When he woke up, he had difficulty speaking, his limbs were stiff and he could not move at will. Wang Jiqin has taken Junsheng to many hospitals for treatment, and also to many private clinics. He has used many "folk remedies", but Junsheng's condition has never improved.

This Spring Festival, Wang Jiqin took his son and his daughter who dropped out of school because of lack of money to join his sister who worked in Huizhou, Guangdong. She hoped that her daughter would find a factory job in Huizhou, get a tricycle herself, pick up junk with her son, and continue to treat his illness when money was raised. My sister loves Wang Jiqin, so she lent her 10000 yuan to take Junsheng to Guangzhou.

Wang Jian, director of the cerebral palsy department of Guangdong Sanjiu Brain Hospital, introduced that Junsheng was diagnosed as a sequela of toxic encephalopathy, manifested in language and motor dysfunction. The symptoms can be improved by surgical treatment. At present, the hospital has performed bilateral carotid adventitia stripping for Junsheng, and the next step will be to operate on the waist and lower limbs. Postoperative rehabilitation training is expected to improve their language and motor dysfunction and achieve self-care.

"The father of the child left him alone soon after the accident, saying that the treatment was meaningless and the treatment cost was a bottomless pit. Not only did he not send us money when he worked outside, he always prevented me from taking the child to see a doctor," said Wang Jiqin, "In the past few years, I have not only taken care of my children but also cultivated the land by myself. I have also tried my best to borrow money to take my children to see a doctor. Every day, I have a lot of snot and tears, and my eyes are almost crying hard to see... But anyway, the child is born to me, and I must find a way to cure him."

Article keywords: Boy Rat poison

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