70% of epilepsy first occurs in childhood

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Peninsula Metropolis Daily, June 28 (reporter Wei Lili) The 28th is the 8th International Epilepsy Care Day. This year's theme is "doctors and patients work together to overcome epilepsy". The reporter learned from the hospital that the incidence of epilepsy is 3-5 ‰, and 70% of patients first got sick in childhood. It is reported that 30% of epilepsy patients have not received standard treatment, which affects the development of brain function. The doctor reminded that not all epilepsy is full body convulsions. If the child has limb convulsions, rigid repetitive movements, and sudden changes in consciousness, parents must pay attention. In addition, electronic products can induce epilepsy, and patients with brain dysplasia, cerebrovascular malformations, brain tumors and brain trauma should pay special attention.

On the morning of the 28th, the municipal women and children's hospital held a free clinic for epilepsy, and many parents were consulting. Ms. Liu, a citizen, said that her son, now three years old, had been well before. Since half a year ago, the child often fell down for no reason when walking. The family thought it was calcium deficiency, but it didn't work after six months of supplementation. Recently, the child suddenly twitched all over the body, and the examination found that the child was suffering from epilepsy. "There are a lot of children suffering from epilepsy now. Sometimes I see hundreds of children in an outpatient clinic one day, 50 or 60 of whom are epilepsy." Hou Mei, director of the Rehabilitation Department of the Municipal Women and Children's Hospital, said that most of the epilepsy patients are in childhood. "Among the epilepsy patients, children and the elderly account for a large proportion. Among them, children who have seizures for the first time account for about 70%." Hou Mei said.

What causes epilepsy? Hou Mei said that the mother's abnormalities during pregnancy or childbirth, including fetal hypoxia, brain damage, etc., can lead to epilepsy in the child. "Fetal congenital development or congenital metabolic abnormalities can also lead to epilepsy." Hou Mei said, in addition, intracranial infection, encephalitis, metabolic disorders and adult cerebrovascular diseases can also lead to seizures.

It is reported that according to the clinical diagnosis and treatment statistics of more than 1000 epilepsy patients by the China Anti epilepsy Association, one third of the patients were induced by long-term use of computers or watching TV, playing games, playing iPads and mobile phones. "There are many kinds of epilepsy, and this is reflex epilepsy." Hou Mei said that epilepsy is caused by abnormal discharge of neurons. Computers, televisions, game consoles and mobile phones are just a kind of fast fluorescent stimulation, which can cause abnormal excitations of nerve cells. This excitation serves as a trigger for patients with brain dysplasia, cerebrovascular malformations, brain tumors, and brain trauma, It is easy to cause seizures.

"Not all epilepsy is generalized convulsion." Hou Mei said that there are many types of epilepsy, some of which are insidious. If the child has a sudden change of consciousness, such as stupor, suddenly stopped eating and other symptoms, parents should pay attention to them. The clinical manifestations of neonatal epilepsy are mostly rigid repetitive actions, often accompanied by abnormal eye movements. If the baby has limb twitching, giggling and other symptoms, it may also be epilepsy, so parents should pay attention.

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