Children are often absent-minded, beware of epileptic "mini seizures"

Jiajia, 5, was depressed recently. When her mother asked her why, she said that when she played rubber band jumping with her partners in kindergarten, she ran to the rubber band every time it was her turn to jump and stood there motionless. She didn't respond until her partners shouted at her. Several times later, the partners were unwilling to play with her. Her mother took Jiajia to the neurology department of the hospital, and she was finally diagnosed with childhood absence seizures. Chang Yanqun, chief physician of the Medical Rehabilitation Department of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Care Institute, said that the onset age of children's epilepsy absence seizures was about 3-12 years old, and the peak age was 5-7 years old. As the disease is not obvious and lasts for a short time, it is often ignored by parents or teachers.

   It is easy to be mistaken for lack of concentration in learning

When it comes to epilepsy, many people will associate with common symptoms such as sudden falls, involuntary shouts, rigidity of limbs, convulsions, etc. "In fact, the seizure forms of children's epilepsy are various, and one of them is an atypical seizure form, called absence seizure," said Chang Yanqun.

Dr. Koro Xingang, a medical rehabilitation doctor of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Care Institute, mentioned that children with epilepsy absence seizures are clinically characterized by sudden loss of consciousness, sudden stop of ongoing autonomous activities and language, staring eyes, empty eyes, and dull expressions, but generally do not fall or drop objects. After the attack lasts for several seconds to tens of seconds, the patient's consciousness suddenly recovers and continues the action before the attack, but the child often has a blank memory of the attack he just experienced.

As children's absence seizures are not obvious and last for a short time, they are often ignored by parents or teachers. Sometimes, even if it is found, it is easy to be mistaken for children's inattention and daze when learning, and criticize it as a bad problem, which virtually increases the psychological burden of children.

   Children can't wake up easily when they are absent-minded. Be alert

Chang Yanqun said that because the absence seizure of epilepsy can sometimes occur dozens or even hundreds of times a day, it will affect children's learning to a certain extent, leading to a decline in performance. What's worse, if not treated effectively in time, some children can turn from absence attack to grand attack after puberty.

So, how to find and treat early? He mentioned that parents should pay more attention to the child's subtle abnormal performance at ordinary times. If the child is often absent-minded, especially when it is difficult to wake up easily by shouting or gesturing, they should be highly vigilant, take the child to see a doctor in time, and do EEG to make a clear diagnosis. At present, "hyperventilation induction test" is the most effective induction test for epileptic absence seizures. If children can complete hyperventilation in sufficient depth, they can generally induce typical EEG and clinical seizures. (Reporter Mo Guanting, Correspondent Lin Huifang)

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