There is a good way to deal with chickenpox, and prevention and care should be done well

[Eh? What is chickenpox? It is an acute infectious disease caused by the initial infection of Varicella zoster virus (V-Z virus). Chickenpox mainly occurs in infant groups, characterized by fever and red maculopapules, herpes, scab rash in batches. Its infectivity is very strong. Winter and spring are frequent.]

Chickenpox patients are the only source of infection, which can be transmitted through physical contact or saliva, and the incidence rate is as high as 95%. Therefore, when a child is found to have chicken pox, parents must isolate the child from contact with others and quickly go to the hospital for treatment.

   "God, chicken pox is terrible"

The incubation period of varicella is 12-21 days, with an average of 14 days. The onset is acute, with mild to moderate fever and rash. The rash first occurs on the scalp and the compressed part of the trunk, with a centripetal distribution. During the eruption period of 1 to 6 days, the skin rashes appeared in batches, and the skin lesions showed the evolution process from small red maculopapules to side rashes to symptomatic rashes to degenerating, without leaving skin marks after degenerating. In the water scar stage, the pain and itching are obvious. If the secondary infection is caused by scratching, a slight dent can be left. The infirm may even have high fever, and about 4% of adults may have disseminated varicella and varicella pneumonia.


Reye syndrome and encephalopathy liver visceral steatosis syndrome, also known as Lai's syndrome, are acute encephalopathy in infancy and childhood, which can affect both men and women. It is also a rare disease that children get in the process of recovering from viral infection (such as influenza, cold or chickenpox). Salicylic acid drugs (such as aspirin) are an important cause.


It must be noted that varicella can cause a variety of complications, such as sepsis, encephalitis, Reye syndrome, encephalopathy liver visceral steatosis syndrome, etc. Among them, 10% of Reye syndrome occurs after varicella, while encephalopathy liver visceral steatosis syndrome has been confirmed to be related to varicella virus, which mostly occurs several days after varicella.

  Not afraid. There's a good way to deal with chickenpox

"Evil defeats good. The doctor comes to help"

Different diseases have different treatments, and chicken pox is no exception. Although chickenpox looks really terrible, as long as there is a correct treatment, it can definitely make chickenpox go nowhere.

① The child should be isolated early until all the rash crusts. Children who have been exposed to chickenpox should be isolated and observed for 3 weeks.

② Local treatment is mainly to relieve itching and prevent infection. When herpes is broken or secondary infection occurs, 1% methyl violet solution can be applied locally, and calamine lotion can be applied to those who are not broken.

③ Antibiotics can be used when the systemic symptoms of secondary infection are serious. Avoid using corticosteroids to prevent varicella from spreading and aggravating.

④ In case of secondary infection, effective antitoxin can be selected, but hormone should not be used for chicken pox to avoid virus spreading.

⑤ For patients with disseminated varicella, newborn varicella or varicella pneumonia, encephalitis and other serious cases with low immunity, antiviral drugs should be taken as soon as possible, or interferon a-should be added to inhibit virus replication, prevent virus spread, promote skin wound healing, accelerate disease recovery, and reduce mortality. Acyclovir is the first choice antiviral drug for the treatment of varicella zoster virus.


Acyclovir is a synthetic purine nucleoside analogue. It is mainly used for various infections caused by herpes simplex virus, and can be used for initial or recurrent skin, mucous membrane, external genital infection and HSV infection in people with immune deficiency. As the first choice drug for treating HSV encephalitis, it is better than adenosine arabinoside in reducing morbidity and mortality. It can also be used for herpes zoster, EB virus, and varicella infection in immunocompromised patients.

  How to prevent and care for "chickenpox"

  How to effectively prevent baby chickenpox?

  answer To prevent chickenpox, the key is to cultivate children's good hygiene habits and let them wash their hands frequently; School classrooms should always be ventilated by opening windows. It is also important to vaccinate susceptible children with varicella vaccine. The human body can produce antibodies 15 days after vaccination, and the immunity is durable. It is an effective means to prevent and control varicella.

  Ask your baby how to prevent him from scratching his chicken pox when he feels itchy when he has chicken pox?

  answer The baby's skin should be kept clean, and his nails should be cut short, and his hands should be washed frequently. The clothes and quilts should not be too thick, and he should be loose and washed frequently to reduce his itching. It is best to wear comfortable gloves for the baby, and try to distract the baby's attention.

  Ask your baby what to pay attention to when eating chicken pox?

  answer In the baby's chickenpox, fever, rash stage, the diet should be light and easy to digest, and the nutritious liquid food should be semi liquid food. After stabilization, you can appropriately eat high protein food, and eat more vegetables and fruits. Avoid spicy, greasy and various hair dishes such as leek, seafood, mutton, coriander, onion and ginger.

   Ask your child if he can often take a bath when he has chicken pox?

  answer This should be determined according to the baby's situation. When there are not many herpes on the baby, gently scrub with warm water. The baby has too many herpes. It is recommended not to take a bath to avoid infection.

  I have something to say:

In fact, chicken pox is not a terrible disease. The symptoms of chickenpox in children within five years of age are generally very mild, and can recover in a short time. Most importantly, children will be immunized for life after illness. Therefore, parents should never be afraid of chicken pox.

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