Five steps of first aid for children with burns

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 Never apply soy sauce, toothpaste, etc. to the wound after burning. Information cartoon Never apply soy sauce, toothpaste, etc. to the wound after burning. Information cartoon

   Core tips

With the temperature gradually rising, the number of burn patients in major hospitals in our city has increased. Recently, the burn department of Subei Hospital has almost become a "paediatrics". According to the doctors of the burn and plastic surgery department, the number of patients is about 1/3 higher than that in autumn and winter, and the proportion of children with burns and scalds is significantly higher.

   Doctor taught: in case of an accident, carry out five steps of first aid


   The 8-month-old boy overturned the electric kettle

   Active Baby Is Hot as "Panda"

In mid May, 8-month-old Pan Pan (not his real name) was doused from head to foot with a pot of hot water at home. On the day of the incident, Pan Pan sat in the stroller to eat. His mother got up and went to the living room to answer a phone call. In this space, naughty Pan Pan waved his hands around, accidentally caught the wire on the base of the electric kettle, and pulled it up as a toy. Just then, a pot of boiled water was put on the base. The base of the wire was pulled by Pan Pan and lost its balance. A full pot of boiled water poured on him.

"After leaving for a while, I heard a clatter and the crying of the baby." Pan's mother was very upset. "Usually he is active, and we put the electric kettle on the high cabinet. Who knew he would pull the wires." According to the doctor's inspection, Pan Pan's burn area was 17%. Although the area was not large, the burn was deep. "My face is also burned, my molting is red, my scar is black, and I really feel distressed when I look at it!" said Mama Pan.

   I didn't wait for my family to put cold water in the bath

   The baby plunged into the hot pool

Some time ago, Mr. Han bathed his two-and-a-half year old baby. Half of the hot water was put in the bathtub first, and when she was about to put cold water, the baby on the side suddenly lost her weight and fell into the hot pool, "flopping" in the water for several times. When Mr. Han brought the baby out, the baby's face and body were red and blistered.

"At that time, I just took off my clothes for my child and turned around to put his dirty clothes, but he suddenly fell down." Mr. Han said that fortunately, the temperature of the hot water was about 50 ℃ - 60 ℃, and the baby's scald was not deep. "I won't be so careless in the future. I must put cold water first and then hot water when bathing my baby!"


   Burn Department Becomes "Pediatrics"

   1/3 of patients are children

The reporter learned from the burn and plastic surgery department of Subei Hospital that since May, the number of children with burns and scalds has increased significantly, and one child has been admitted almost every day. "Since May, the wards have been almost full, with nearly 50 beds. The patients are moving every day, and children under the age of 3 account for about 1/3." Pan Lingyan, head nurse, said.

According to statistics, two-thirds of children's burns occur at home, most of which are mild burns. Overturning hot water and hot food is the main cause of burns. "From birth to the age of three, infants are curious, active and interested in everything. Most of them are burned in the kitchen or bathroom by hot oil, hot liquid, heated metal surfaces and other heating equipment. Only one child was accidentally scalded when his family fed him water." Huang Jinhua, chief physician of the burn and plastic surgery department of Subei Hospital, explained, At the age of 3-6, preschool children gradually begin to recognize risks and also begin to imitate adults' every move in order to help or learn from their parents to complete some housework. Therefore, there are often risks.

In addition, many burns and scalds are caused by poor parental care.

   first aid

   Five step first aid for burns

"In case of an accident, the family members can take five steps to give first aid." Director Huang Jinhua said that burns generally refer to heat, including hot liquid (water, soup, oil, etc.), steam, high temperature gas, flame, hot metal liquid or solid, etc. The tissue damage caused mainly refers to the skin and mucous membrane, and in serious cases can also hurt subcutaneous and submucosal tissues, such as muscle, bone Joints and even internal organs.

   Keyword: Chong

Quickly immerse the injured part in cold water or flush it with running tap water to quickly reduce the skin surface heat. If the burn is large and deep, cold water treatment may aggravate the systemic reaction, and it should be sent to the hospital immediately. " If the burn is on the face, head and neck, perineum, etc., due to the special location, even if the area of the wound is small, complications may occur. In addition to emergency treatment with cold water, in order to prevent shock, the injured can drink some light salt water, supplement blood volume, and reduce the degree of shock.

   Key words: off

After full washing, remove the clothes carefully when you feel less pain. If necessary, cut the clothes with scissors, or temporarily keep the adhesive part to avoid breaking the blisters.

   Key words: bubble

Further immersion in cold water can reduce pain and stabilize mood. However, if the scalded area is large and the age is young, it is not necessary to soak too long to avoid hypothermia or delay the treatment opportunity.

   Key words: cover

Cover the injured part with clean sheets, cloth, gauze, etc., wrap up and send to the doctor.

   Keyword: Send

In addition to minor burns and scalds that can be taken care of by oneself, it is better to send them to a nearby hospital for further wound treatment. If the injury is serious and needs hospitalization, it is better to send them to a burn specialist with good facilities and rich experience.

Special attention should be paid to the following: Never apply soy sauce, vinegar, alkali, toothpaste or purple potion to the wound after burns. This will not reduce the injury, but will continue to stimulate the wound, deepen the degree of injury, increase the chance of infection. It will also make it difficult for doctors to diagnose and treat the wound after arriving at the hospital. When washing these smears, the pain of the wounded will be aggravated.


How to prevent children from burning and scalding?

Pan Lingyan, head nurse of the burn and plastic surgery department, believes that corresponding preventive measures are needed according to the age of the baby at home, and the focus of prevention is different.


① It is important to take good care of young children. Parents should not keep their children indoors alone, but must have special personnel to take care of them.

② Children are active, so it is necessary to manage combustible and high-temperature items, such as gasoline, firecrackers, matches, lighters, stoves, electric irons, etc., and place them out of the children's reach.

③ It is not suitable to use the microwave oven to heat all kinds of milk bottles, so as to avoid scalding caused by the hot milk splashing on the infant's young face.

④ Children should be repeatedly taught not to play with fire, and how to escape from the fire as soon as possible and how to call for help in case of fire. At the same time, children should be taught some fire fighting knowledge, such as how to call the fire alarm number (119).

⑤ When bathing a child in a bathtub, pour cold water first and then heat water to adjust the water temperature. When adding hot water in the middle, it is better to hold the child away from the bathtub and let others help add hot water. When using the water heater, first turn the switch to the cold water side, then slowly increase the water temperature, and test the water temperature with your own hands.

⑥ The hot water bottle should be placed at a height or in a cabinet that cannot be touched by children, so as to avoid scalding caused by children's touch. Also, do not let ignorant children take boiled water or overheated drinks by themselves. The hot water switch of the household water dispenser should be relatively fixed, or the water dispenser should be placed in a place that is not easily accessible to children, so as to avoid scalding caused by unintentional opening of the hot water switch.

⑦ Do not put a tablecloth on the table to prevent children from scalding when they pull the tablecloth and overturn the hot porridge, hot rice, hot milk or boiled water on the table.

⑧ When holding the child to eat at the table, the vegetable soup should be placed far away from the child to prevent the child from scratching the vegetable soup and causing burns.

⑨ In summer, mosquito repellent incense should not be used in children's rooms as far as possible to avoid fire and scald caused by combustible materials such as quilt wadding, clothes and paper scraps.

   Preschool children

① Matches, lights and chemicals should be stored in places that are not easily accessible to children.

② When going out to play, keep away from dangerous areas such as high-voltage electricity, transformer rooms, high-speed running machines, etc.

③ Don't set off fireworks alone.

④ The food should be properly placed to prevent children from climbing up and reaching out to touch it, which may cause burns.

⑤ Don't leave children alone at home.

⑥ Don't regard the kitchen as a place for fun, especially when cooking at home.

School aged adolescents

① Emphasize the safe time of exposure in the hot sun to prevent skin sunburn.

② Flammable articles shall be placed separately from other articles to prevent burning.

③ Guide them to use electricity correctly.

④ Don't make a fuss during meals, so as not to upset the hot food and cause burns.

⑤ When children use some dangerous goods, parents should watch and care.

⑥ Teach children not to bring chemical experimental materials from school to home for experiments. ■ Trainee reporter Wang Shiyun

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