A baby weighing 8 kg was disabled due to intracerebral hemorrhage during spontaneous delivery and sued the hospital

On the 13th, the reporter learned from the court of Kaijiang County, Dazhou City that the court recently tried a medical dispute case.

Li Li (not her real name), a citizen of Dazhou, gave birth to her son Wei Wei (not her real name) in 2009. However, after giving birth, she found that the child's upper limbs were drooping and weak. The hospital CT scan found that it was "subdural hemorrhage". For several years, Li Li has been treating Weiwei for many times. Now the child's right hand function has not recovered, and her intelligence is also significantly lower than that of her peers. Li Li's request for compensation from the midwifery hospital was fruitless, and she sued to the court. After trial, the court finally sentenced the hospital to bear the main responsibility and compensate Li Li for various losses of more than 190000 yuan.

   Newborn: intracranial hemorrhage, right upper limb monoplegia

According to Li Li, on June 19, 2009, Li Li, who was due to give birth, was admitted to a hospital in Dazhou for delivery. At 1:00 p.m. that day, Li Li entered the delivery room to give birth. "There were two doctors beside me at that time, and they didn't use B ultrasound to test the chest, neck, height, etc. of the fetus for me, but they just kept telling me to work hard. Later, the baby was a little big and couldn't get out, so they worked together to pull out my baby." Li Li said that Li Li, who was only thinking about the baby at that time, didn't think much about it. After the baby was born, she was immersed in the joy of getting a small life.

But before long, Li Li found that Wei Wei was not right, her upper limbs were drooping and weak, and she kept crying at night. Li Li hurries to tell the doctor about the situation and asks Wei Wei to have an internal and external examination. After the results came out, the doctor told her that Weiwei had intracerebral hemorrhage and unilateral paralysis of the right upper limb, and suggested that they transfer Weiwei to Chongqing for treatment. Li Li and her husband hurriedly went through the discharge formalities for their children and sent them to Chongqing for treatment.

   Mother: The child's injury is caused by the doctor's fault

It was thought that children could be cured in Chongqing, but a hospital in Chongqing diagnosed Weiwei's condition as neonatal asphyxia, encephalitis, right brachial plexus strain, hypoxia, ischemic encephalopathy, etc. "Doctors in Chongqing said that they had limited conditions there, and suggested that I send my child to Beijing for treatment." Li Li said that she and her family are also wage earners, who can not stand the child's illness. By 2012, she and her husband had spent nearly 100000 yuan for the treatment of their children.

"I don't care if spending money can cure Weiwei, but Weiwei still can't recover his right hand function. His right upper limb is shorter than his left upper limb, and his intelligence is obviously lower than that of normal children of the same age. It has become a permanent injury." It is identified that Weiwei's injury is caused by the wrong behavior of the doctor in the hospital. The more Li Li thought about it, the more angry she became. In addition, she was unable to bear the high cost of treatment. She and her husband went to the hospital to claim compensation, but to no avail.

   Court: The hospital was mainly responsible for the compensation of 190000 yuan

The hospital didn't agree with Li Li's statement. "After Li Li was admitted to the hospital, her fetus was detected to be too large, and our doctor repeatedly told her about the risks of natural delivery, and repeatedly mobilized her family members to persuade her to perform cesarean section, but their family members insisted on natural delivery." The two sides could not dispute. Immediately, Li Li took the hospital to the court and asked the hospital to compensate the child's medical expenses The disability compensation and other losses were more than 540000 yuan.

A few days ago, the Kaijiang County People's Court heard the case. The court held that pregnant women have certain risks in giving birth, and Weiwei was born with a weight of 4 kg. In obstetrics and gynecology, the fetus with a weight of 4 kg or more is called "giant fetus", which increases the difficulty of the birth process. However, a hospital violated the routine medical technical operation by using traction to assist the puerpera to overexert, and rough behavior to assist in production. There was a legal causal relationship between the hospital's fault and the permanent injury of the infant's right brachial plexus, so Li Li and the hospital both had certain faults.

Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Kaijiang County Court that the hospital was finally sentenced to bear the main responsibility and compensate Li Li for various losses of more than 190000 yuan. Hu Jifeng, Western China City Reader, Wang Huayi

Article keywords: Natural childbirth intracranial hemorrhage newborn

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