HFMD is mostly caused by parents holding their babies

"My child has several herpes on his hands, and he has no fever. Is it hand foot mouth disease?", Explain in detail. Lu Hui also said that hand, foot and mouth disease can be prevented and controlled. The most important thing is to develop good hygiene habits. Frequent hand washing is an important link to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease.

   Question 1: What is hand foot mouth disease? What is its mode of transmission?

Hand foot mouth disease is an infectious disease caused by enterovirus, which mostly occurs in children under 5 years old and can cause herpes in hands, feet, mouth and other parts. A few children can cause complications such as myocarditis, pulmonary edema, aseptic meningitis and so on.

The disease is mainly caused by close contact with patients' feces, herpes fluid, respiratory secretions (such as sneezing droplets), and contaminated hands, towels, handkerchiefs, tooth cups, toys, tableware, baby bottles, bedding, etc. Hand foot mouth disease can also be spread by cross infection in outpatient department and lax disinfection of oral instruments.

   Question 2: How does the baby prevent hand foot mouth disease daily?

Bottles and nipples used by infants should be fully cleaned before and after use, and boiled for disinfection (5 minutes). The baby's clothes should be changed frequently, and the baby's clothes should be dried or disinfected. Before touching the baby, the caregiver should change the diaper for the child, wash hands after handling the feces, and properly handle the dirt. Pay attention to keeping the family environment clean, and keep the room ventilated and dry clothes and quilts frequently. During the epidemic period of hand foot mouth disease, it is not advisable to take the baby to public places where people gather and the air circulation is poor. After going out, children should wash their hands with soap or hand sanitizer. Pay attention to the baby's nutrition, drink more water, exercise moderately, and ensure adequate sleep to improve immunity. During the epidemic period, the children's skin (mainly palms and soles) and oral cavity should be checked every morning to see if there is any abnormality and if the children have fever.

   Question 3: How can adults prevent hand foot mouth disease?

To prevent hand, foot and mouth disease in children, the transmission of adult recessive infections should be highly valued by everyone, especially the parents of infants and young children. Because adults are exposed to the virus, they can also infect the pathogen of the disease, but they do not have clinical symptoms, that is, a recessive infection state, but they carry the virus in their bodies and can be discharged outward, so adults are an important source of infection of hand foot mouth disease, which is easy to be ignored at ordinary times. Therefore, adults should take necessary preventive and control measures.

(1) In the high incidence season of hand foot mouth disease from May to July, all people should "wash their hands, drink boiled water, eat cooked food, ventilate frequently, and dry clothes and quilts". Adults, in particular, have a wide range of activities. They should wash their hands frequently, change their clothes, and dry their bedding. When they go to public places, they should try not to touch things they don't need to avoid pollution or infection. When they meet other people's children, they should try to reduce their physical contact.

(2) Adults are far more likely to be exposed to the virus than children, so parents should be reminded to wash their hands in time after coming home from outside. In addition to taking precautions for themselves, their families and their children, parents of infants and young children should also pay attention not to let their children touch the hands and bodies of other adults as much as possible, and parents should try to avoid entering and leaving public places as little as possible.

(3) Wash your hands correctly. It is recommended to use the "six steps" washing method. First, wet your hands under the faucet, wipe on soap or hand sanitizer, then rub your palms, backs of your hands and finger joints for 20 seconds, then rinse them with flowing water, then rinse the faucet with clean water, then turn off the faucet, and finally wipe your hands dry with a clean towel.

   Question 4 How should parents care for children with hand foot mouth disease in four families?

(1) Disinfection and isolation: once found infected with hand, foot and mouth disease, the baby should seek medical advice in time to avoid contact with the outside world, which generally requires isolation for 2 weeks. The items used by the baby should be thoroughly disinfected: they can be soaked with chlorine containing disinfectant, and the items that should not be soaked can be exposed to the sun. The baby's room should be regularly ventilated by opening windows to keep the air fresh and circulating, and the temperature should be appropriate. If conditions permit, air disinfection can be carried out every day. Reduce the number of people entering and leaving the baby's room, prohibit smoking, prevent the air from being dirty, and avoid secondary infection.

(2) Diet and nutrition: If you get sick in summer, your baby is prone to dehydration and electrolyte disorders, so you need to supplement water and nutrition properly. Baobaoyi shall stay in bed for one week and drink more warm water. The child was unwilling to eat because of fever, oral herpes and poor appetite. It is appropriate to give your baby light, warm, delicious, digestible, soft liquid or semi liquid, and fast cold, spicy, salty and other stimulating foods.

(3) Oral care: The baby will refuse to eat, salivate, cry and stay awake due to oral pain. Keep the baby's mouth clean. Rinse with normal saline before and after meals. For the baby who cannot rinse, gently clean the mouth with a cotton swab dipped in normal saline. With ultrasonic atomization (stomatitis spray, ribavirin spray) inhalation, to reduce pain, promote early healing of erosion, and prevent secondary bacterial infection.

(4) Skin rash care: The baby's clothes and bedding should be clean, comfortable, soft and cotton, and should be replaced frequently. Cut the baby's nails and wrap his hands if necessary to prevent scratching the rash. If the baby has a rash on his buttocks, he should always clean his stool and urine, and keep his buttocks clean and dry. At the initial stage of skin rash on hands and feet, calamine lotion can be applied, and 0.5% iodophor can be applied when herpes is formed or broken. Keep skin clean to prevent infection.

   Question 5: How long can the patient recover in general?

If there is no complication, the child can recover in 5-7 days in a good nursing atmosphere.

   Question 6: How long will the epidemic peak of HFMD last?

HFMD can occur all year round, but the peak usually occurs from May to July. This year, the peak of HFMD in the city is expected to be July. However, we need to remind you that, according to the experience of previous years, there may be a small peak in October this year, because primary and secondary schools have opened in October, and people travel during the National Day holiday, population flows are more frequent, which is likely to have a small peak of hand foot mouth disease.

   Question 7: Which age group is the most concentrated among the critically ill children since this year?

Among children with severe hand foot mouth disease since this year, children aged 1 to 2 years old are the most concentrated. Therefore, parents with children of this age should be vigilant.

   Question 8: How are most of the current cases infected?

Most of them are caused by parents, including hugging and kissing the baby. Although most of the patients with HFMD are infants, their parents are also vulnerable to disease. However, adults have strong resistance and no symptoms even if they are infected with HFMD, but they have become virus carriers. Therefore, if parents do not deal with it in time after returning home, they will become the infectious source of children's disease.

   Question 9: Baby 9 got hand foot mouth disease last year, will he get it again this year?

Yes. There are many types of viruses that cause hand, foot and mouth disease. After a disease, the child will have a certain resistance to the virus that causes the infection, but it does not mean that it is useful for all viruses, so it is likely to be infected again.

   Question 10: Can alcohol be used to treat hand, foot and mouth disease virus?

Alcohol can not eliminate the hand foot mouth disease virus, it only has a sterilization effect. Only ultraviolet rays, dryness, high temperature above 50 ℃ and various oxidants, formaldehyde and iodine can be eliminated. Families can use 84 disinfectant, bleaching powder, etc. to disinfect daily necessities, toys, diapers, etc; Sterilize milk utensils and tableware by boiling; Clothes and bedding can be dried, cleaned and disinfected, and can also be irradiated and disinfected with ultraviolet light.

It should be added that a considerable number of people like to wash their hands with soap, but they can not achieve the goal of cleaning. People had better wash their hands with soap, and the effect of hand washing is the best.

   News extension

   Parents should distinguish hand foot mouth disease and eczema in this way

Symptoms of hand foot mouth disease: fever; Herpes, a rash with blisters, usually occurs in the hands, feet and mouth. HFMD will first appear cough, runny nose, drooling and other symptoms similar to upper respiratory tract infection. Some children may have nausea, vomiting and other reactions.

Eczema symptoms: no fever. Small rashes may appear all over the body. When suffering from eczema, small rashes begin to appear on the cheeks, and soon spread to the forehead, neck, chest, etc.

   Parents should identify severe hand foot mouth disease in this way

For patients with the following characteristics, especially those under 3 years old, who are likely to develop into critical cases in a short period of time, they should closely observe the changes of the condition, carry out necessary auxiliary examinations, and make targeted treatment: 1. Keep high fever. 2. Poor spirit, vomiting, shock, limb shaking, weakness. 3. Breathing and heart rate increased. 4. Cold sweat, poor peripheral circulation. 5. Hypertension. 6. The white blood cell count of peripheral blood increased significantly. 7. Hyperglycemia. □ Chief reporter Wang Fengwei

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