Baby rides a walker and falls down the escalator on the second floor

On the morning of May 1, in Yigang Street, Shuanggang Town, Xiangshui County, Yancheng, an eight month old baby boy fell from the second floor of his home and died the next day.

It happened in a two-story residential building on the street of Shuanggang Town, Xiangshui County. "His family name is Fang, and the baby is very cute. I didn't expect an accident. What a pity!" The nearby residents told the reporter of Modern Express that when Tianfang had two children to look after, only his grandmother was at home, and the eight month old baby boy ran on the second floor of the walker and suddenly fell to the first floor. "Maybe the escalator on the second floor was not equipped with railings, and the child fell down from it. It was about 3 meters high." Residents said that they had heard from Fang's family before and installed railings when they were preparing to lay floor tiles. Unexpectedly, something happened. After the incident, the family sent the baby boy to Xiangshui County Hospital for rescue, but because he was seriously injured, he was transferred to the nearby Lianyungang Urban Hospital. "But the child could not be rescued the next day." According to the police, there was an escalator on the second floor of the Fang family, but there was no railing in the middle of the escalator, which formed a great potential safety hazard. (Correspondent Zhang Junming and reporter Jiang Zhenjun)

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