Is a baby with cerebral palsy a "fool"?

Abstract: Does the baby's cerebral palsy mean that he will become a fool or paralytic? In fact, it is not. Experts remind that early detection and early rehabilitation treatment are important for children with cerebral palsy. If the comprehensive rehabilitation is timely, continuous and comprehensive, the baby with cerebral palsy can slowly recover its normal function, learn and live like a normal child, fully integrate into the society and return to the society.

Instructor: Chang Yanqun, Director of Rehabilitation Department of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Chief Physician

Ms. Chen's baby is 1 year old and 3 months old this year. She was born prematurely and with low birth weight. When she saw babies of the same age for more than 5 months, she would turn over, but her own baby would not. Even when she was lying down, her whole head would droop, and she could not even raise her head. However, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with her baby in other aspects, She thought that the baby would turn over naturally when she was older, but when she was more than 9 months old, the baby still could not turn over, sit or crawl, which made Ms. Chen worried. She hurried to the hospital for examination, but was told that the baby had cerebral palsy. This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Ms. Chen's family: cerebral palsy? Does the baby become a fool or a paralytic? Why does the baby get cerebral palsy? Is this an incurable disease?

What is cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy refers to the clinical syndrome characterized by dyskinesia and abnormal posture caused by non progressive brain injury or developmental defects from birth to one month after birth. Generally speaking, it refers to the disorder of neural control of muscles caused by various brain damage from pregnancy to newborn. His muscles themselves have no disease, but the disease is in the brain, so it is called cerebral palsy. Children with cerebral palsy may be accompanied by varying degrees of intelligence, vision, hearing, perception, epilepsy, psychological behavior abnormalities, etc.

The main causes of cerebral palsy are as follows: first, the mother was infected with virus during pregnancy, or exposed to radiation, or took inappropriate drugs, or drank, smoked, etc; Second, premature delivery, ischemia, hypoxia, asphyxia, jaundice, etc. before, during or after birth of the child cause brain injury.

Due to the development of perinatal medicine in recent years, the establishment of neonatal intensive care, the improvement of neonatal auxiliary technology, the neonatal mortality rate has a downward trend, but the following is the increase in the proportion of cerebral palsy caused by brain abnormalities. The treatment of such children is a hard and long process, which requires a long time of rehabilitation training, This has brought a heavy burden to families and society. Therefore, cerebral palsy is not only a medical problem, but also a social problem, and a population quality problem. Therefore, pediatric cerebral palsy is also a problem that we need to solve urgently.

Three manifestations of children with cerebral palsy

The earlier the treatment starts, the better the recovery effect will be. Therefore, parents should not miss the opportunity to seize the treatment. You can find signs of cerebral palsy babies early by:

First, the coordination disorder or motor development of the baby lags behind that of normal children of the same age. The less serious ones are only inflexible or clumsy hands and feet. The more serious ones show that they cannot look up, roll over, sit alone, crawl and walk alone;

Second, the baby's posture is abnormal. When the baby is placed on the bed, it can be seen that the baby is in a fencing position, which is called an asymmetric neck tension reflex in medicine. Some babies will show a hemiplegic position when one hand is raised and the other hand cannot be raised when sleeping. Some children with low muscular tension can show a dead frog in a raised position, which is caused by the fact that the neck tension reflex and the original reflex have not disappeared. When moving, the baby assumes an ataxia posture with crossed toe ballet feet.

Third, some children will show slow eating, dysphagia, bad mood, etc;

If the baby is found to have the above possibilities and has suffered from ischemia, hypoxia and premature delivery in the perinatal period, it should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible for examination, early diagnosis and early treatment, and try to take rehabilitation treatment measures within 6 months after the birth of the baby. This can not only promote the normal development of the central nervous system, improve abnormal posture and movement, And can prevent tendon atrophy and joint deformity and other complications, thereby reducing the disability rate.

Child cerebral palsy ≠ fool, paralytic

Because some parents are limited by their educational level and medical knowledge, and affected by feudal superstition, they believe that children with cerebral palsy are freaks and are punished by God. Once they get cerebral palsy, they are sentenced to death, and they can only become fools and paralytic later. In fact, this understanding is wrong. With the continuous progress of modern rehabilitation means, children with cerebral palsy can slowly recover their normal functions after continuous and comprehensive comprehensive rehabilitation, learn and live like normal children, fully integrate into society and return to society.

The treatment of infantile cerebral palsy is a long process

Some parents do not know enough about the diagnosis and treatment of cerebral palsy in children, and think that it can be cured only by taking medicine and injection. This view is wrong. At present, comprehensive rehabilitation treatment is adopted for children with cerebral palsy. Motor function training is the core of the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, that is, motor therapy and motor function training are mainly used. The therapist will develop a systematic training program according to the situation of the child, but it also needs the cooperation of the parents outside the treatment time, so that the child can maintain the correct posture for a long time. At the same time, supplemented by diet guidance and drug guidance, adhere to systematic and standardized treatment.

Positive attitude conquers disease

At the early stage when the child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, the parents often showed nervousness and anxiety. Because they were afraid of being asked about the child's situation, they always let the child stay at home, rarely let him go to public places, nor let him communicate with other normal children of the same age, so that the child lost contact with the outside world, resulting in a withdrawn and introverted personality, and derailed from society. At the same time, in the process of treatment, the treatment of cerebral palsy in children can not be cured in a short time as other acute diseases. When the parents of children have to face an abnormal child for a long time, they are more depressed, and even lack confidence in the treatment of children. They want to give up the treatment of children. This negative attitude of parents also affects the children, It makes the children have inferiority complex and lose confidence in life, resulting in a vicious circle. Therefore, parents should accept the fact, give children a sense of happiness and family warmth from all aspects, pay attention to their words and deeds from childhood, do not discriminate, do not care too much, often encourage children, let them have a good attitude, and actively cooperate with the treatment.

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