Children's cerebral palsy should not be confused with calcium deficiency

When some babies are six or seven months old, their heads droop, their hands and feet are soft, and they can't turn over or sit alone. Some "past people" tend to persuade young parents: "If your baby is calcium deficient, it's better to take calcium supplements." In fact, some babies are not calcium deficient, and may be suffering from cerebral palsy.

Current situation: the incidence of cerebral palsy in children is increasing year by year

Guo Xiaocheng, chief physician of the Pediatric Brain Disease Rehabilitation Center of the PLA 202 Hospital, said that cerebral palsy, or cerebral palsy, is the main cause of children's disability, and its incidence is increasing year by year. If we can correctly understand cerebral palsy, carry out early diagnosis and active treatment, we can obtain satisfactory results in most cases. Regrettably, many cerebral palsy patients were misdiagnosed as rickets caused by calcium deficiency, resulting in the loss of the best opportunity for early treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify cerebral palsy and rickets early.

Performance: "Soft" is the early performance of children with cerebral palsy

Guo Xiaocheng said that according to the definition of cerebral palsy put forward by the National Symposium on Cerebral Palsy, cerebral palsy refers to the central motor disorder and posture abnormality caused by various reasons and non progressive brain injury from before birth to one month after birth, and some of them are combined with mental retardation, epilepsy, sensory impairment and other abnormalities. The early manifestation of this kind of movement disorder is the slow development of movement, which is characterized by backward development such as raising head, turning over, holding objects, sitting, standing and walking. Parents often call it "soft". The most common abnormal posture is head backward, strabismus, upper limb pronation, hand back, lower limb adduction crossing, tiptoe, etc.

After asking about the medical history, there are many factors such as asphyxia, hypoxia, premature delivery, nuclear jaundice before and after the birth of the child. Brain CT or MRI also showed abnormalities. Many parents believe that children with calcium deficiency are "soft", so they blindly supplement calcium for children with early cerebral palsy and delay the treatment opportunity. In fact, calcium deficiency in children is a chronic nutritional disease due to vitamin D deficiency, which leads to abnormal calcium and phosphorus metabolism. It is essentially different from cerebral palsy. Rickets in infancy is mainly manifested as crying, startle, sweating, etc., without abnormal posture and low intellectual development.

  Reminder: early detection and early treatment is the key

The key to understanding cerebral palsy is "early". If it is found that the child is obviously looking up, turning over, sitting, crawling, standing and walking, as well as the intellectual reaction ability is significantly behind that of normal children of the same age, accompanied by premature birth, low weight, asphyxia, hypoxia, or jaundice and other factors at birth, it is necessary to seek medical advice in a timely manner. Children with rickets only need to bask in the sun and supplement vitamin D and calcium. Wang Yuzhe, reporter of Shenyang Evening News and Shenyang Net

Expert introduction: Guo Xiaocheng, attending physician of Pediatric Brain Disease Rehabilitation Center of PLA 202 Hospital.

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