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Alert: Children can also suffer from schizophrenia

Recently, Guangzhou Baiyun Psychological Hospital received a 9-year-old child, which was very disturbing. Xingzai (pseudonym) has six fingers on his left hand, so he has become the object of ridicule of children around him since childhood. Over the years, Xingzai has become introverted and often speaks to himself. After examination, he was diagnosed as mild schizophrenia.

According to Xingzai's father Ajie, when Xingzai was born, he had a little finger on his left hand. But because of the superstition of the family elders, they believed that the extra finger represented a child who could read. Therefore, this little finger with "good intentions" has always accompanied Xingzai to grow up. After Xingzai went to school, he was often laughed at by his classmates, who would tease him with his six fingers from time to time, saying that he was a "monster".

Half a year ago, Ajie, a migrant worker, went home to see his son, and found that Xingzai didn't communicate with others. He often talked to himself and said, "I heard his classmates speak ill of him.". After the doctor's inspection, Xingzai was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia. According to the doctors from Guangzhou Baiyun Psychological Hospital, most of the people suffering from schizophrenia are after the age of 15. Xingzai, 9, is the youngest known case in Guangzhou.

"Don't think that only knives can hurt people. In fact, ridicule can also be used." Zhang Xing, a doctor at Guangzhou Baiyun Psychological Hospital, said, "Discrimination against the physical specificity of others is an invisible 'knife to hurt people', which will not only lead to the psychological disease of victims, but also become an incentive for victims to commit suicide in serious cases."

So, what are the manifestations of adolescent schizophrenia? How to judge whether a child has such symptoms?

Liu Heyi, the attending physician of Guangzhou Baiyun Psychological Hospital, said that the symptoms of children and adolescents were different from those of adults, with behavioral abnormalities as the main manifestation, followed by auditory hallucinations and fantasies. Children with this disease will laugh for no reason, get excited for no reason, and their thinking will be fragmented. Suddenly, they will say something that others cannot understand or do some actions that others cannot understand. Doctor Liu reminded that children who cannot be cared for by their parents since childhood (such as children who are taken care of by their grandparents for a long time or left behind children) are more likely to suffer from such diseases because they cannot get love from their parents. They don't get the care of their parents. They are bullied outside and have no outlet or object to talk to.

"For children with schizophrenia, we must use drugs plus psychotherapy, and drugs must choose those with very small side effects to reduce the harm to children," said Liu Heyi. For children patients, early detection and treatment are required. Early treatment is the best. If children have psychological and behavioral abnormalities, seek the help of doctors.

In addition, parents should try their best to take care of their children and not entrust them to the elderly for a long time. There are many problems in intergenerational rearing and education. Parents should pay more attention to what happens to their children at school. It is not easy for children to make correct judgments about things. Some of them dare not say, or don't ask, but don't say, for fear that they will be beaten and scolded. If children's psychological problems can not be solved for a long time, they are likely to become psychological and mental diseases.

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