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Bathing gas poisoning, mother out of danger, baby in danger

In the winter, Zhang Qiufang, a reporter from Nandu, Tian Haiyan, saw gas poisoning again. On December 21, Xiao Li (not her real name), who was 1 year old and 10 months old, bathed with her mother. Both of them were poisoned by carbon monoxide, and were sent to Foshan First People's Hospital and the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital for emergency treatment. At present, mother's vital signs have slightly improved, while Xiao Li's life is on the line.

On the evening of December 21, the family found Xiao Li and her mother lying in the shower room in a coma. The doors and windows of the room were closed, and the smell of gas was still around. The family rushed Xiaoli and her mother to the nearby Nanzhuang Hospital for treatment. Due to the critical condition, her mother was transferred to Foshan First People's Hospital that night for treatment, and Xiaoli was sent to the ICU of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital for emergency treatment.

"The little girl was in a deep coma when she first entered the hospital, and she did not breathe spontaneously.". Yang Zaidong, director of the emergency department of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that Xiao Li had dilated pupils, no response to light and brain dysfunction when she was admitted to the hospital. At present, EEG monitoring is under way, but vital signs almost disappear.


Yang Zaidong, director of the emergency department, said that every winter is a high incidence period of carbon monoxide poisoning. Most of the places where carbon monoxide poisoning occurs are in simple houses such as rental houses, and the poisoning victims generally lack knowledge of carbon monoxide poisoning prevention. He reminded the public that the key to preventing gas poisoning is to ensure indoor air circulation. When using the coal stove, the chimney must be installed. The smoke outlet must be leeward to prevent wind from flowing backward. The air funnel is installed on the window to keep the indoor air fresh. Try not to use liquefied gas to cook soup when no one is watching. If a patient with gas poisoning is found, the door and window should be opened immediately and the patient should be moved to a ventilated place. In serious cases, artificial respiration or oxygen inhalation must be carried out immediately and the patient should be sent to the hospital for rescue.

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