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Children often fall, which may be caused by arthritis

Interviewee/Zhang Qingwen, Associate Professor of Orthopaedics of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Associate Chief Physician of Joint Area I

Arthritis is a common chronic disease, which is more common among middle-aged and elderly people. If a child of three or four years old suffers from arthritis, many people will be skeptical. The orthopedic doctor reminds that the cause of children's arthritis may be related to virus infection, trauma, bacterial infection and allergy (allergic reaction). If children have leg pain and other discomfort during a cold, or often fall, parents should be vigilant.

The 3-year-old baby often wrestles. It's hip arthritis

The baby's walking and wrestling is a common thing for parents. Ms. Liang, who has a 3-year-old baby, thinks so. He didn't take his son to the hospital until he found that his son fell too frequently. Unexpectedly, he was diagnosed with "hip arthritis". She was puzzled: How could such a small baby suffer from senile disease?!

"Children often wrestle. Adults always think that it is caused by careless walking, but they do not know that it is very likely that children's hip arthritis is at fault." Zhang Qingwen, associate professor of orthopedics at the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and deputy chief physician of Joint District I, introduced that arthritis refers to arthritis caused by inflammation, infection, trauma or other factors, which is a rheumatic disease. Its main characteristics are joint redness, swelling, heat, pain and dysfunction. Hip arthritis, also known as transient synovitis of the hip joint, is easy for children under 3-10 years old, especially boys.

Zhang Qingwen reminded that parents should take their children to a doctor in time if they find that their children often fall down, change their gait, and are unwilling to walk for a period of time. "Timely treatment, generally without sequelae. If the condition is delayed, it can lead to necrosis of the femoral head, resulting in disability."

Infection and low immunity are easy to cause arthritis

"Many diseases can cause arthritis." Zhang Qingwen gave an example, for example, reactive arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease triggered by extraarticular infection factors such as the intestinal system and urinary system. In addition, infectious substances of respiratory diseases enter the blood stream and stimulate the synovium of bone joints through the blood stream, causing acute inflammation such as synovium congestion and exudation, which can also lead to osteoarthritis. To prevent the occurrence of arthritis, it is critical to prevent infection and improve immunity. He reminded that parents should pay high attention to any discomfort such as leg pain during a child's cold.

Zhang Qingwen said: "Too much exercise or inactivity is not good for children's joints." He suggested that parents should encourage children to do correct and appropriate exercises in the sun, such as walking, swimming, cycling, etc., to improve their immunity, so as to prevent arthritis. Once arthritis symptoms appear, immediately stop climbing stairs, squatting up and other activities to avoid aggravating the disease by doing the same action for a long time or fixing joints in the same position.


Arthritis Baby Food Therapy

1. Qishe Decoction

Efficacy: It has the functions of tonifying liver and kidney, supplementing qi and blood, dispelling wind and dampness, and is suitable for pain in the joints.

Ingredients: 60g astragalus, 1000g snake meat, 10g Dipsacus, 15g ginger, cooked pork, cooking wine, pepper, salt, and onion white.

Method: First remove the head and tail of the snake, peel off the viscera and wash it, and cut it into pieces; Wash Astragalus and Dipsacus with water and soak for 1 hour. Heat up an iron pan, pour lard into it, boil the oil, stir fry the snake meat, add wine, then pour the snake meat into the casserole, add ginger slices, onion white and salt, simmer for 1 hour on low heat, and add pepper.

2. Stir fried Eggs with Chuanshan Dragon

Efficacy: It has the function of strengthening the spleen, removing dampness and clearing joints.

Ingredients: 6g pangolin, 3 eggs, some refined salt, vegetable oil and sesame oil.

How to do it: Beat the eggs well, add washed and chopped pangolin, mix in refined salt and sesame oil, and stir fry until done.

3. Meat Eel Soup

Efficacy: It can nourish the liver and kidney, replenish qi and blood, dispel wind and dredge collaterals.

Ingredients: 250g monopterus albus, 100g pork, 15g eucommia ulmoides, appropriate amount of onion, ginger, cooking wine, vinegar, pepper.

Method: decoct Eucommia ulmoides with water to remove the residue, and take the juice for standby; Slaughter the monopterus albus, remove its intestines, wash it, scald it with boiling water, scrape off the mucus on its skin, and cut it into sections. Chop the pork into powder, stir fry it in the oil pan, add water and eucommia ulmoides juice, add eel segment, onion, ginger, cooking wine, boil it, turn to gentle fire and boil it until the fish is crisp, add vinegar, pepper, and sprinkle coriander. Article/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Chen Xuemin Correspondent Zhang Qiuxia

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