How much do you know about the embarrassment of "chicken"

In the TV series "Golden Marriage", Tong Zhi and Wenli finally ushered in the birth of their son Dabao after many setbacks. It's hard to hide their joy. The husband and wife showed their son's "chicken" when they met each other in the same place... The TV play is just a miniature. In reality, out of doting on the little boy, adults will unconsciously focus on "playing" with the little boy's genitals. How much do you know about the baby's "chicken"?

  Embarrassment 1:

Can chicks "dew"?

"In terms of health, children's genitals should not be exposed too much." Professor Zhou Shaohu, chief physician of the Department of Urology and Andrology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, explained that too much exposure to the baby's genitals could easily cause external bacteria and pathogens to invade the body through the delicate mucous membrane and skin of the vagina, making the baby sick. "When boys are young, they usually have too long foreskin, which is easy to accumulate dirt. If they contact with unclean external environment, such as adults' hands and faces, they are more likely to cause infection." At the same time, the nervous system of infants is not fully developed, and they do not have strong control over stool and urine. "In some cases of stimulation, such as cold, fear, frighten, excitement, etc., the baby will relax the urethra and anal sphincter, and have feces.".

In addition to being unsanitary, Zhou Shaohu said that it would be unsafe to expose chickens. "Chickens and chickens are one of the most delicate parts of a baby's body and are also the most vulnerable parts. They can be hurt by touching, bumping, stabbing, pinching, scalding, scraping and other external objects. The bites of mosquitoes, and the scratches and bites of some pets, such as cats and dogs, can affect health and even lead to lifelong disability."

   Embarrassment 2:

Chicken often "stand up"?

Beibei, who is only three years old, has recently given her mother a headache: the child often tells her mother that "the chicks are so swollen" and "how can the chicks lift up". In fact, the baby's penis will have an erection like that of an adult, which not only confuses Beibei's mother, but also makes many parents with little boys face such "embarrassment".

"The normal physiological reason for the baby chicks to 'stand up' is" Zhou Shaohu explained, "There are two thin cavernous arteries in the cavernous body of the penis. When it is congested and perfused into the cavernous body, we will see the erectile phenomenon. This phenomenon is more common in children, and is a manifestation of the growth and development of children's genitals. No matter whether the baby is excited or relaxed, as long as there is congestion in the cavernous body of the penis, the chick will stand up. Even if there is no stimulation, the chick will erect many times in a day; Occasional external stimuli, such as friction and touch, will also cause some external stimuli. " In addition, parents should pay attention to that when the baby wants to urinate, the chicks will become plump and cocky like balloons because the urine is full of bladder. What you need to do at this time is to give the baby urine.

   Embarrassment 3:

Why is the chicken "ugly"?

Some new parents will have such a puzzle: the baby's skin is white and tender, why only the skin color of the chicken is dark? Why is my baby's chicken smaller than the baby next door? The chicken has a long foreskin. Do you want to cut it?  

"The depth of skin color at the chicken varies from person to person. Some people have heavy pigmentation and some people have light pigmentation, which is normal. Parents need not pay too much attention to it." Zhou Shaohu said that if the skin color at the child's back or buttocks and other places is dark, I'm afraid parents will not feel too strange!

Like the color of the skin, the shape of the chick is also different. If the baby's chick is really small, and the opening of the foreskin is only as small as the tip of a needle, or two small eggs cannot be touched in the scrotum, then you need to see a specialist to eliminate cryptorchidism and other patients, so as to avoid future fertility problems.

As for whether the baby's foreskin is "too long", Zhou Shaohu believes that parents should not make a conclusion too early. The penis of a boy has to go through two stages of rapid development, one in his third or fourth year of age and the other in his eleventh or twelfth year of age. In both stages, parents should make good observation. In these two stages, it is absolutely unnecessary for parents to perform circumcision for "physiological development".

Finally, he reminded that because there are many secretory glands in the foreskin, some oily secretions like bean dregs may accumulate between the foreskin and glans penis, forming foreskin dirt, so reasonable sanitation is also important. Article/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Chen Xuemin Correspondent Zhang Qiuxia

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