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Early prevention and treatment of epilepsy in children

   Shunwang - Population Guide

Epilepsy is one of the common diseases of the nervous system in children, commonly known as "epilepsy". It is often manifested as sudden falling over, unconscious, saliva at the mouth, two eyes looking up, limbs twitching, startled crying, voice in the throat, and wake up in a moment. After waking up, it is a disease with recurrent characteristics. According to the statistics in 2013, there are about 9 million epilepsy patients in China. Most of them come from childhood, many of them are only seen in children, so young parents should pay special attention to the prevention and treatment of epilepsy in childhood.

Understand the cause of epilepsy, scientific response, don't panic

There are many reasons leading to epilepsy, and their manifestations are different. Parents should know more about relevant knowledge at ordinary times, so that they can not be in a hurry when their children have seizures.

Wind epilepsy: The attack is often caused by exogenous fever. When the attack occurs, the patient suddenly falls down, loses consciousness, and his neck and body are stiff, then his limbs twitch, his eyes look up or squint, his teeth close, his mouth foams, his lips and face are green, his tongue is white, and his pulse is stringy and smooth.

Phlegm eclampsia: during the attack, the phlegm and saliva are choked up, the phlegm in the throat is ringing, the eyes are staring, the mind is trance, like dementia, loss of consciousness, or falling to the ground, the hand and foot twitch is not obvious, or the local twitch, the intelligence is gradually low, or the headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, limb pain, suddenly stops, and does not heal for a long time, the tongue coating is white and greasy, and the pulse is string and slippery.

Seizure: There is often a history of panic before onset. During the attack, he screamed, vomited, cried, and was in a trance. His face was red and white, and he was agitated. He was like a man about to catch. His limbs twitched, his stool was thick, his tongue was light red, his fur was white, his pulse was smooth, his face was big and small, and his fingerprints were blue.

Hypoeclampsia: It occurs for a long time and repeatedly, sometimes with mental fatigue, colorless complexion, lack of qi, lazy speech, poor appetite, thin stool, which is called spleen deficiency; Sometimes there are dizziness, mental retardation, weakness of the waist and knees, lukewarm limbs, restless sleep, which is kidney deficiency; Palpitation and palpitation, insomnia and dreaminess, pale and colorless face or sallow, pale lips, are due to deficiency of blood; Dry and astringent eyes, burning pain in ribs, dizziness and tinnitus, or peristalsis of hands and feet, and thin pulse count, which indicates liver yin deficiency.

Regular observation is essential for different physique conditioning

  Daily diet

Children who are physically strong or have excessive wind phlegm should eat light and nutritious food. They should eat more rice, noodles and vegetables, and avoid greasy and fat food to avoid moisture, phlegm, heat and fire, and exacerbate their illness.

Children with weak physique should focus on the food that can nourish the liver and kidney, strengthen the spleen and help transport, and replenish qi and blood. They can eat more lean pork, pig heart, pig liver, animal brain, longan meat, lotus seeds, wolfberry, etc., and avoid alcohol and stimulating food. You can eat more food that can moisten your intestines and relieve your bowels, such as honey, bananas, walnuts, almonds, spinach, to keep your bowels smooth.

Attention of parents

Parents should supervise children to take medicine regularly for a long time and not stop taking medicine without authorization. During the medication period, parents should observe and record the changes in the condition after medication, such as the number and severity of spasms, the duration and interval of each spasms. In particular, the sudden language interruption, fixation in a certain position, blank eyes, pale face and other phenomena manifested as minor attacks should be observed carefully, and reflected to the doctor as the basis for drug selection during the follow-up. Take the child to the hospital for reexamination on a regular basis, and check once every 2-3 weeks at the beginning of the disease. After that, EEG, blood routine test, liver and kidney function were checked every 3-6 months, no matter whether there was an attack or not. It is helpful for doctors to understand the changes of the patient's condition in time, judge the curative effect and adjust the dosage.

Children should have enough sleep time at home, regular living habits and normal diet to help identify and avoid the predisposing factors. The main predisposing factors are fever, insufficient sleep, excessive tension, emotional impulse, body fatigue, sudden stop of antiepileptic drugs, menstruation, etc. For reflex epilepsy, you should avoid unexpected sound, light, panic, and do not watch the competition programs on TV. Brush your teeth and sunbathe regularly to prevent gum hyperplasia and osteoporosis caused by drugs. Avoid all kinds of infections. Keep a relaxed and happy atmosphere in the family. Parents should not over protect, coddle or exclude their children, so that they not only lack self-confidence, but also lack the ability to stand on their own feet. Long term daily life guidance should be given to children who are slow in movement, poor in understanding and creativity. Cultivate children's optimism and let them eliminate fear and inferiority complex.

Pay attention to safety, avoid children from participating in strenuous sports, and avoid swimming and climbing. People should be escorted when crossing the road or a small wooden bridge. The elderly should not come to the bathroom or toilet alone. In case of an attack, it is convenient for others to enter the bathroom for rescue. Do not use a mouth thermometer to measure body temperature. You can test the temperature under the armpit or anus.

  How to care

Children with frequent attacks should be restricted from moving in bed. Guardrails should be added to prevent falling into bed. Parents should always guard them. For children with severe attack, immediately loosen their clothes, and put the tongue depressor (or chopsticks) wrapped with gauze between the upper and lower teeth on one side of their head to avoid tongue bite, and remove oral secretions at any time to prevent suffocation. If a seizure lasts for more than 30 minutes, or repeated frequent seizures last for more than 30 minutes, the person whose intermittent consciousness cannot be recovered is called status epilepticus. When the status epilepticus persists, the parents must be quiet. They can point to Renzhong, Hegu, Neiguan and other acupoints to help stop spasticity, and immediately send them to the hospital for rescue. Otherwise, it will cause adverse consequences such as brain hypoxia, brain edema, respiratory and circulatory failure. Older children have premonitory symptoms, such as numbness of limbs, dizziness, palpitations and hallucinations, before grand mal attack. Tell the child to find a safe place to sit down on the spot if these symptoms occur, and do not panic. □ Cao Hong, Shandong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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