Sudden vomiting in a child is not necessarily gastroenteritis

Abstract: When the baby suddenly vomits, many parents will reflexively think it is gastroenteritis. In fact, it is not only gastroenteritis but also encephalitis and intestinal obstruction that cause baby vomiting. If it is caused by encephalitis, you must seek medical treatment as soon as possible to avoid sequelae.

Medical guidance

Cui Qiliang, Director of Pediatrics, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College

Doctor Tan Xiaohua, Department of Pediatrics, Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College

When a child suddenly vomits, many parents think it should be gastroenteritis. In fact, it is not. It may be life-threatening viral encephalitis.

Recently, a three-year-old girl, Niuniu, suddenly vomited after breakfast. The family thought it was because she ate something unclean that caused her gastrointestinal problems, so they let Niuniu rest at home. The family rushed to the hospital because Niu Niu didn't want to be sleepy. On the way, Niu Niu had convulsions and was finally diagnosed as acute viral encephalitis. As the rescue time was delayed, Niuniu not only caused brain damage, but also threatened epilepsy in the future. The pediatrician reminds everyone that when a child vomits, it is necessary to carefully observe the child's reaction and changes, because not only gastroenteritis, encephalitis, intestinal obstruction, etc. can cause vomiting, so parents should learn to identify and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

A 3-year-old girl suddenly vomited. It's not a gastrointestinal problem, but encephalitis

individual case

Three year old Niuniu suddenly vomited like a jet after eating breakfast. Grandpa thought it was nothing serious because he ate too much breakfast, and sent Niuniu to the kindergarten as usual. At noon, Grandpa received a phone call from the kindergarten teacher, saying that Niu Niu was vomiting again, her temper became manic and her symptoms worsened, and her retching was very obvious. After drinking water, she vomited more violently, and her vomit contained dark bile, and her mental state was also poor.

Niuniu's grandpa immediately went to the kindergarten to take Niuniu home. He also complained repeatedly that the teacher should not give the meat in the meal to the child because he knew that Niuniu's stomach was uncomfortable. It was OK to eat some light meat. Since he thought Niuniu had a bad stomach, his grandfather gave Niuniu some Baoji Oral Liquid. Niuniu was very tired and went to bed. She didn't wake up for an hour or two. She didn't wake up even after shouting. Her forehead burned when she touched it. When she took her temperature, she found that the temperature had soared to 38 degrees Celsius. Grandpa was so worried that he immediately called Niuniu's parents and took a taxi to send Niuniu to the hospital for emergency treatment. When I didn't want to be in a taxi, Niuniu began to twitch, which worried Grandpa badly. After being sent to the emergency department of the hospital, the doctor found that there was no obvious gastrointestinal inflammation in Niuniu's abdomen, but the neck was stiff. After a series of examinations such as blood drawing, the doctor confirmed that Niuniu was suffering from acute viral encephalitis, and immediately rescued her.

After two weeks of hospitalization, Niuniu finally recovered from her illness and was discharged from hospital. However, due to the late time of medical treatment, Niuniu's brain was damaged and some brain cells were necrotic. Although it had little impact on intelligence, there was a high probability of epilepsy in the future, and regular reexamination was needed.

Whether children suffer from encephalitis is closely related to their own resistance


"If Niuniu's grandfather had sent Niuniu to the hospital earlier, it would not have delayed treatment. Niuniu could not only leave the hospital in a week, but also would not have any sequelae." Tan Xiaohua, a doctor in the Department of Pediatrics of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, regretfully believes that the teaching of this case is that many people think that the child's vomiting is just a gastrointestinal problem, "Although the child has mild symptoms, he or she should be very careful as long as he or she is mentally abnormal." Dr. Tan Xiaohua told reporters that vomiting caused by encephalitis is usually jet like, and parents should pay special attention to that the child's mental state will be different from usual: the quiet person will become irritable, and the lively person will suddenly become quiet, In addition, there will be asymmetry between hands and feet when holding things. Sometimes what is used to holding things with the right hand will suddenly turn into holding things with the left hand. And lethargy and convulsions are late symptoms.

Then why does a child inadvertently suffer from encephalitis? According to Cui Qiliang, director of pediatrics of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, viral meningitis and encephalitis are common infectious diseases of the central nervous system in childhood (especially those under the age of 3). After invading the human body through the respiratory tract, digestive tract or mosquito bites, the virus propagates in the lymphatic system and infects various organs through the blood circulation, A large number of viruses propagated in organs can further spread to the whole body, resulting in viremia. After the virus enters the central nervous system, on the one hand, it directly destroys the nervous tissue through mass reproduction, on the other hand, it can selectively destroy the myelin sheath by stimulating the host's immune response, resulting in post infection immune demyelination. Therefore, whether a child suffers from encephalitis has a lot to do with the child's own resistance. A child with good resistance shows an upper respiratory tract infection, while a child with poor resistance is likely to suffer from encephalitis.

"Because the central nervous system has edema, the brain stem will compress the vagus nerve and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, so the child will have jet vomiting. After vomiting, fatigue cannot be recovered, and retching symptoms are obvious, the child will not have obvious abdominal pain, and there is no discomfort in the digestive tract before." Dr. Tan Xiaohua reminded parents that children with typical viral encephalitis have anorexia Nonspecific symptoms such as vomiting, blurred vision, etc., followed by headache, photophobia, jet vomiting, convulsion, stiff neck, lethargy, and confusion. Doctor Tan Xiaohua said that the prognosis of early treatment was good, but if the treatment was delayed, the patient's condition would be serious, and the brain parenchyma could be seriously affected. The prognosis was poor, often leaving neuropsychiatric abnormalities, including dyskinesia, epilepsy, impairment of audio-visual function and mental retardation.

Wake up

Learn to distinguish different causes of vomiting

"In fact, vomiting can be caused by a variety of reasons. If parents learn to understand some causes and symptoms of vomiting, they believe that it will be very helpful for the child's disease." Next, Dr. Tan Xiaohua introduces several common causes and characteristics of vomiting:

Vomiting caused by improper diet, overeating or eating allergic food. This kind of vomiting is usually no longer eating the same food vomiting will naturally end.

Vomiting caused by gastrointestinal cold: It is usually a cold caused by cold, accompanied by symptoms of red throat and sore throat. It is effective to take Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid and antiviral drugs. No longer eating stimulating food will not vomit.

Vomiting caused by acute gastroenteritis: it is related to the bad habit of eating unclean things or overeating. The abdominal pain will be aggravated after eating mainly due to gastritis, and the abdominal pain and abdominal distention around the navel will be mainly due to enteritis, which will be accompanied by increased defecation frequency, as well as fecal changes such as flaking.

Pyloric obstruction: vomit in jet shape, but vomited and hungry, vomited at a fixed time every day.

Intestinal obstruction: in severe cases, vomiting may be jet like, mainly with fecal odor, accompanied by abdominal distention, no defecation, and hard belly.

Encephalitis: jet vomiting, mental status is different from usual, and lethargy and convulsions will occur later.

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