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Pay attention to the sudden rapid growth of children

   Pay attention to the sudden rapid growth of children

Many parents hope that their children will grow tall and big, and be able to play freely on the basketball court like Yao Ming and Lin Shuhao. However, they should pay attention to whether they are suffering from growth hormone pituitary adenoma if their parents are not tall and their children suddenly grow tall quickly.

Zhang Hongwei, deputy chief physician of neurosurgery at Beijing Sanbo Brain Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, said that growth hormone pituitary adenomas generally occur in two populations, adolescents and adults aged 20 to 30. The former will show continuous growth and eventually cause gigantism because they are at the peak of growth and development; In adults, because the epiphysis has been closed, it will develop into acromegaly, leading to hypertrophy of the end of the hand and toe, visceral enlargement, bone and joint diseases, etc.

Pituitary tumor will not only cause gigantism and acromegaly, but also bring irreversible damage to the body. Without effective treatment, the life of patients will be severely shortened. Wang Qiang's heart is bigger than the average, but its function is weaker, so he can't move normally. He will gasp even if he walks too much. About 50% of the patients will die of heart failure and other heart diseases.

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