10 Good Ways to Get rid of Postpartum Depression

   Modern Health News

1. Waiting for the self recovery of postpartum depression

The puerpera should try to relax their mood after childbirth, waiting for the adjustment of hormone levels in their bodies, which will always form a balance and make them adapt to the new life.

2. Create a suitable environment for postpartum recovery

When the puerpera return home from the hospital, they should restrict the visitors, especially turn off the phone, and create a quiet, comfortable and healthy rest environment for themselves.

3. Pay attention to self psychological adjustment

After having children, young mothers' values will change. Accepting all this with an open attitude is conducive to helping the pregnant women get rid of negative emotions. You can do something you like, immerse yourself in your hobbies and forget your troubles.

4. Couples should think and understand each other

With children, the husband will feel great pressure, they will work harder, and the wife should understand the husband; The husband should also understand his wife's physical changes after childbirth and the hard work of caring for children, and take the initiative to share housework. Couples should understand and communicate with each other.

5. The postpartum diet is light and nutritious

Maternal women should eat nutritious and light food; At the same time, enjoy the affection of being taken care of by relatives, and give yourself spiritual recuperation by thanking them for their love.

6. Moderately increase exercise during recuperation

Mothers can do some housework and physical exercise with a happy mood. This can distract you from focusing on your baby or something that bothers you.

7. Cherish every sleep opportunity

Mothers should learn to create various conditions to let themselves sleep. When the child falls asleep safely, the mother should not go to wash and rinse, but should seize the time to close her eyes and refresh herself.

8. Learn to ask for family help

Mothers should learn to seek the help of their husbands, families and friends, and try to make their families understand that they should not be immersed in the happiness of adding new babies and ignore the psychological changes of mothers. Ask them to talk more with themselves and tell themselves some experience of childcare in time.

9. Face problems correctly

If the puerpera have symptoms of postpartum depression, they should be treated scientifically, take antidepressants under the guidance of doctors in a timely manner, and do not underestimate the harm of depression.

10. Expecting good times and spending bad days

Children are the source of hope for young mothers. The health and happiness of children are the responsibility and obligation of mothers. So you will certainly encounter difficulties and troubles. You should also keep a good mood in bad days, believe that everything will be better, and try to do everything well.

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