Big BB nods in March. It's not cute. It's epilepsy

China News Network, Chongqing, November 19 (Liu Hanxue, Xiao Ni Weiman) The reporter learned from the Children's Hospital affiliated to Chongqing Medical University on the 19th that Qiangqiang (Hua), a 3-month-old baby from Yibin, Sichuan, would nod when teased, making people feel very cute. However, in a short period of time, children nodded more and more frequently. After hospital inspection, they found that the cute performance was due to epilepsy.

According to Qiang Qiang's parents, a week ago, they found that when they teased their son, he would respond with a nod, which made people feel very cute. At that time, they did not realize that this seemingly lovely act was the unfortunate beginning.

Since the discovery of the son's nodding, the parents of the child are even more eager to put their son in their hands as soon as they get home. But then they found that their son nodded more and more frequently, even more than 20 times at a time.

The father of the suspicious child took his son from Yibin to the Children's Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University for examination. The examination result surprised the father. Qiangqiang's nod was not cute, but he had infantile spasms, also known as nodding spasms, which belongs to epileptic encephalopathy.

Professor Zhai Xuan, deputy director of neurosurgery at the Children's Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University, said that the typical manifestation of infantile spasms is nodding, which usually occurs several to dozens of times a day, and nodding is also several to dozens of times each time. Because the frequency of onset is not very high, some rural families usually like to carry their children behind their backs, When the child is ill, it can't be found at all.

However, if the disease is not treated in time, the brain function of the child will be affected after a few months, which is manifested as mental retardation. The child can't sit steadily, stand still, walk or speak out. And with the increase of age, the attack form can also change into a full-blown attack, which is commonly known as "sheep style".

At present, Qiangqiang has been hospitalized in the Children's Hospital affiliated to Chongqing Medical University. Because it was found early, the condition is not particularly serious, and doctors choose to treat Qiangqiang with drugs.

Professor Zhai Xuan said that the traditional treatment of epilepsy is medication, but for infantile spasms, which are intractable epilepsy, the effect of medication may not be very good. If the treatment effect of Qiangqiang is not good at the current stage, surgery can also be selected in the future.

It is understood that the Affiliated Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University first carried out surgery for intractable epilepsy (i.e. epilepsy knife) in domestic children's hospitals in 2012, which can accurately locate and surgically remove epilepsy lesions. Previously, many kinds of epilepsy that could not be cured or had poor therapeutic effect could be treated by surgery.

Professor Zhai Xuan reminded that if the parents found that the child had behaviors such as sudden stop of language movement, staring, falling for no reason, and involuntary twitching of one or both limbs, the child might suffer from epilepsy, and it is recommended that the child be taken to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

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