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Seven typical postpartum depression states

Three to five days after delivery, there will be different levels of emotional changes, which is caused by changes in the secretion of postpartum estrogen.

The new mother has a bad temper after childbirth. Is it really because there are many things after childbirth, or does she suffer from postpartum depression? What should a new mother do if she suffers from postpartum depression?

   Chinese Tradition : The reason why the puerpera lose their temper after childbirth is that there are too many things to do. As long as they are well served, they will be fine.

   Scientific advice In addition to the need for adequate knowledge of child rearing, it is essential for mothers to get spiritual help from their relatives.

Postpartum mothers often feel anxious and irritable, and even may have excessive language and behavior towards their families, which can become postpartum depression in serious cases, and nearly 50% of them will suffer from this condition. For this reason, the husband and family members may think that the puerpera are really delicate and have too many things to do, and so many people are not satisfied with the service. Due to the psychological reaction of the puerpera, the family members are angry, do not understand, and even have family conflicts.

Three to five days after delivery, the mothers will have different levels of emotional changes, such as: easy to cry, emotional vulnerability. This is caused by the change of postpartum estrogen secretion. If the symptoms go through several weeks, some mothers will lose control of their emotions, which is called postpartum depression. The specific manifestations are: crying, depressed; Lack of confidence and rapid emotional change; Inability to concentrate; Disordered living and eating habits; Fear, disappointment, even despair.

   Seven forms of postpartum depression

   1. Crying mother

Symptoms: If there is no special sadness, tears will flow down my face unconsciously. Sometimes it's because I'm too tired. Sometimes I feel sad and cry just because of someone else's unintentional words.

Mitigation measures: Don't force yourself, but be strong enough to control your emotions. If crying can really restore your vitality, let's cry out for relief!

   2. Irritated mother

Symptom: The trivial matters of sesame and mung bean may become the fuse, and they are inexplicably furious. This may be due to the arrogance and irritability caused by the change of lifestyle and the hard work of taking care of the baby. The husband, mother-in-law and even the baby may become the object of quarrel.

Mitigation measures: Relax and wait for changes. Maybe the new life is not as busy as expected. Let's take a break from the new life of raising children!

   3. Worried mother

Symptoms: Being a mother for the first time and touching a baby for the first time will inevitably lead to a lack of confidence in childcare. However, if you are too alarmist, you can't take the responsibility of raising children well!

Mitigation measures: You should know that the "growth ability" of a baby is far beyond the imagination of adults. You should believe in this power and enjoy the happiness of mother and son.

   4. Autistic mothers

Symptom: One more little guy will inevitably lose some freedom. If we follow the traditional concept of confinement, we can not go out for relaxation during the month, which makes novice mothers feel more stressed. Under such pressure, people will feel like "birds in a cage" and will not be happy anyway.

Mitigation measures: communicate with your family well, or ask your husband to help you "bail" out. Going out and relaxing will definitely make you feel refreshed!

   5. Angry mother

Symptom: No one likes the feeling of "fighting alone", and the busy childcare life needs a helper to share. And some husbands are not very good at sharing family affairs or helping in childcare, so they have created grumpy mothers.

Mitigation measures: Before venting, calm down and tell him your hard work and expectations of your husband sincerely. Maybe he will improve through good communication.

   6. A listless mother

Symptom: Just finished the "mass production", and began to adapt to the life of a new mother. Although I knew there were a lot of things to do, I couldn't bring up a little spirit. Serious people may also have the tendency to run away from home!

Mitigation measures: Don't strive for perfection in everything. Open your mind and do your best to realize the real fun in the process.

   7. Abusive mothers

Symptoms: faced with crying babies, lonely childcare life and lack of negotiation objects, novice mothers sometimes fall into the tendency of abusing babies.

Mitigation measures: Use talking instead of fighting. After all, you are "under the control" of weak people who have no fighting power. You should restrain them anyway. When it's really hard to control your anxiety, don't worry about who the other person is, and pour out your troubles.

   Four methods for relieving postpartum depression

1. Talk with good friends: In addition to the old friends you made during your school days and in the society, you can also get to know some seniors and peer mothers who have experience of pregnancy and childbirth, and exchange feelings about childcare life, which will release your feelings.

2. Family affairs and childcare are not perfect: don't put too much pressure on yourself, and try to hand over the family affairs or childcare responsibilities that your husband and family can undertake to them, so that you can find good helpers for yourself. It will be much easier.

3. Talk to the husband: The husband is the best "comrade in arms" in the maternal childcare life, so it must be the best to open your heart and talk with the closest person.

4. Go out for a walk to adjust your mood: If you are not confined by the traditional custom of confinement, you can liberate your body and mind and go out for a walk! Easy shopping or a leisurely walk around the house is a good choice.

   Only child is more likely to suffer from postpartum depression

There is often such a strange scene in the delivery room: a family is happy around the newborn, but the mother is gloomy, either in a daze or easily lost her temper, wiping tears when no one is around, and sometimes crying with a quilt. Be careful, this may be a manifestation of postpartum depression.

   Be more careful about depression half a year after delivery

The puerpera during the month generally tend to be depressed. But this is not postpartum depression. It is usually called Baby Blue, also called postpartum depression. This is mainly due to the large fluctuations in postpartum estrogen levels.

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