Children can also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis

Xinhua News, Chongqing, November 25 (reporter Mou Xu) Gou Min, an 11 year old rural girl from Chongqing, was misdiagnosed and delayed the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis for five years. Experts remind that children will also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, so parents must pay attention.

Many parents do not believe that children will suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Professor Tang Xuemei, director of the Kidney Immunology Department of Children's Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University, said that in fact, her Kidney Immunology Department receives more than 100 children every year, and children suffering from this disease are more harmful than adults.

Professor Tang said that Gou Min's juvenile idiopathic arthritis is a common rheumatoid disease in children, which can occur at any age below 16 years old. It is more common in girls. Its symptoms are different from adult rheumatoid diseases, mainly manifested as chronic joint pain, swelling, and may also have fever, rash and other symptoms, which can seriously affect the internal organs.

Professor Tang said that the disease has some relationship with abnormal immune regulation, environmental factors and genetic factors, but the true cause is still unknown. If not treated in time, it will cause irreversible joint damage and seriously affect the function of movement. However, if symptoms are found in time and regular treatment is carried out in the early stage, most patients can avoid the above symptoms.

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