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Seven Kinds of Pain in Pregnancy, Be Vigilant

In addition to the pain of childbirth, pregnant mothers also suffer from headache, stomach burning pain, breast swelling pain, low back pain, abdominal pain, sciatica, bone joint pain and other pain problems throughout the pregnancy

If you use one sentence to describe your feelings during pregnancy, it can be said that pregnancy is hard and happy. From the beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers not only have to cope with a series of physical changes such as vomiting, poor sleep, weight gain, and stretch marks, but also have to endure such "pain" in this short and long 280 days, such as headache, stomach burning pain, breast swelling pain, low back pain, abdominal pain, sciatica, bone joint pain, etc. Why is there such pain? How to deal with it? In this issue, let's learn about these pains during pregnancy.


Pregnancy headache generally occurs in the early and middle stages of pregnancy.


When she is just pregnant, the pregnant mother will have some symptoms of headache and dizziness, lethargy, laziness and lack of energy. This is mainly caused by hormones that vary in the body after pregnancy. At the same time, all kinds of reactions during pregnancy are unprecedented, which can easily cause mental tension and anxiety, which can also lead to autonomic dysfunction and headache.


1. Face pregnancy with a calm mind, understand that pregnancy and childbirth are a natural process, and do not be nervous. At the same time, learn relaxation tips, such as buying some pregnant women's magazines and books, and listening to some music suitable for pregnant women.

2. In terms of diet, eat more light and fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't eat fish and meat deliberately because you are pregnant. Just pay attention to balanced nutrition. In addition, you should drink more water during the day and ensure at least six to seven hours of sleep every night.

3. When you have a headache, you can apply a hot towel on your head to effectively relieve the headache. You can also take some drugs that can quickly relieve pain under the guidance of a doctor. If the pain is really severe and accompanied by dizziness, it is better to see a doctor immediately.


It usually occurs in the first and second trimester of pregnancy.


  There are probably two reasons for stomach burning during pregnancy:

1. After pregnancy, due to hormone changes, the sphincter relaxes, and the food eaten is easy to run up, causing acid content in the stomach to flow back from the stomach to the esophagus, throat and mouth, which is caused by mucous membrane irritation.

2. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the uterus that grows month by month will also compress the stomach. In addition, hormones will relax the muscles that separate the esophagus and stomach, which will make stomach acid more likely to surge upward and cause a burning sensation in the chest.


1. Eat less and more meals every day, eat less hot and sour food, and do not lie down within half an hour after meals. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and pay attention to the balance of nutrition.

2. Some antacids can be used under the guidance of the doctor, and semi sitting position can also relieve pain.

3. If the pregnant mother has stomach disease, or can't identify gastritis or stomach burning pain caused by pregnancy, it is recommended to go to the hospital. In addition, if you vomit severely and have some symptoms of acidosis, you should also go to the hospital in time.

  breast tenderness

It usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy.


The increase of estrogen after pregnancy will stimulate the development of mammary gland ducts, and make some changes in the breast in the early pregnancy, such as the color of areola deepening, the expansion of mammary gland ducts, and will cause slight pain. During pregnancy, most pregnant moms will feel uncomfortable due to breast pain, and a few pregnant moms even have milk secretion.


Breast distention and pain is a normal phenomenon during pregnancy. Pregnant mothers do not need to be nervous and do not need special treatment. After pregnancy, loose underwear should be used, preferably for pregnant women. It can also be taken off at home to reduce the pressure on the outside of the breast. By the third trimester of pregnancy, especially during lactation, this symptom will be alleviated.

  Low back pain

It usually lasts from early pregnancy to late pregnancy.


1. The changes of hormones in the body after pregnancy, especially the influence of progesterone, make the pelvic joint ligaments loose, which causes slight separation of the pubic symphysis and joint pain after separation. The pain caused by the separation of pubic symphysis can be tolerated by ordinary people. If the pubic dislocation is large enough to cause ligament strain, edema and difficulty in walking, you must stay in bed.

2. With the change of pregnancy, the uterus is enlarged. Because the uterus is enlarged forward, it forces the pregnant mother to straighten up, head and shoulders backward, abdomen forward, and waist forward. After a long time, it will cause back pain.

3. During pregnancy, the ureter is affected by the changes of nervous system, which makes the ureter thicker, reduces the tension, weakens the peristalsis, slows down the flow of urine, and sometimes causes infection. In the second trimester of pregnancy, it will cause the expansion of the renal pelvis and ureter, which is easy to compress the right ureter and right nerve, and cause chronic pyelonephritis, and pain in the lower back.


1. Pay attention to pregnancy inspection, regularly understand the specific situation of pubic separation, strengthen physical exercise, and often carry out appropriate thigh stretching exercises to enhance muscle and ligament tension and tolerance.

2. Holding a certain position for a long time, or getting cold on the back and waist, can aggravate the pain. Pregnant mothers can take a more comfortable position to relax their back muscles. If you lie half down, raise your legs a bit to make the blood flow comfortable, so as to reduce the edema of the lower limbs.

3. If the right lumbar pain is severe, you'd better go to the hospital to see if there is chronic pyelonephritis and urinary system infection.

  abdominal pain

Abdominal pain usually lasts from early pregnancy to late pregnancy.


From the first trimester to the third trimester, most pregnant moms will feel their belly harden. In fact, this is an irregular contraction of the uterus. The interval time and uterine contraction time are both long and short. Relatively speaking, the uterine contraction time in the early pregnancy will be shorter, and it may be longer and longer in the late pregnancy. Generally speaking, pregnant mothers will not feel pain, but some pregnant mothers can feel it obviously. After the second trimester, the uterus rapidly increases, and the ligaments around the uterus become tense from the original relaxed state, especially a pair of round ligaments located in the front of the uterus are pulled, which can also cause traction pain.


If there is no vaginal bleeding or water breaking, and the fetal movement is normal, the pregnant mother should not be too nervous. This is just a normal uterine contraction. When abdominal pain comes, pregnant mothers can sit down and rest. If the abdominal pain is severe and accompanied by vaginal bleeding and water breaking, it may be a sign of abortion, ectopic pregnancy or premature delivery, and you must seek medical advice quickly. In addition, the frequency of normal abdominal pain or irregular uterine contraction may be different, but the duration is generally less than 30 seconds. Even in labor, the duration of labor pains will not exceed 1 minute.


It usually occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy.


1. In the third trimester, the weight of the fetus will increase the pressure on your back and squeeze the sciatic nerve, resulting in strong tingling from the waist down to the leg.

2. After the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, the venous return is not smooth, and the water is not easy to return to the heart for metabolism, so it will cause sunken edema of the lower limbs, such as the back, lower legs, feet, etc., which is easy to compress the sciatic nerve, causing pain symptoms.


1. There is no good treatment for sciatica during pregnancy. Pregnant women should avoid fatigue, wear flat shoes and pay attention to rest. It can lie flat and raise the foot stand, so that the position of the foot is close to the position of the heart, and the increase of venous return is more comfortable.

2. If it is very serious, you can go to the hospital for local analgesia treatment.

3. When sleeping, lie on the left side and put a pillow between the knees of both legs to increase blood flow to the uterus.

4. Do not stand or sit in the same position for more than half an hour during the day. Swimming can help pregnant mothers reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve.

  Pain of bone and joint

The pain of fingers, toes, heels and joints mostly occurs in the middle and late pregnancy, or early pregnancy.


1. This is mainly caused by pregnancy edema. Because after serious edema, it compresses the nerves and causes pain in the bones and joints. In the morning, it hurts very much, and I can't open my fingers.

2. During pregnancy, a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are needed. If these nutrients are not enough, bone and joint pain and muscle spasm will easily occur. Especially when sleeping at night, a slight movement of the calf will cramp.


1. The intake of vitamin D and calcium should be properly increased from the early stage of pregnancy.

2. For bone and joint pain related to edema, we should pay more attention to rest and activities at ordinary times.

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