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Should the tonsil be operated for repeated inflammation?

During the acute attack of tonsils, children have high fever, chills, headache, and general weakness, especially severe throat pain. The pain will increase when swallowing food. Some children will not eat food, or even drink water.

What makes adults even more upset is that this disease happens repeatedly, which can happen several times a year.

The tonsil is inflamed repeatedly, should it be operated?

Ms. Qiu's child is nearly 3 years old this year and has recently suffered from tonsillitis. Ms. Qiu was worried when she heard that tonsillar inflammation would recur and require surgery.

Recently, the reporter interviewed Tao Zheng, director of the Department of Facial Features of Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Jiaotong University School of Medicine, and asked her to give detailed answers to parents and readers.

   Children's tonsillitis is a common disease

The tonsil is an immune organ of the human body, which is the first defense portal of the upper respiratory tract to resist various pathogenic microorganisms invading the body. Tonsillitis is divided into acute and chronic. After symptomatic treatment with antibiotics (penicillin, cephalosporin, erythromycin, etc.), acute tonsillitis was cured in about 7 to 10 days.

The trouble is that some children often have acute tonsillitis, 4-5 times a year, or even once a month, which forms chronic tonsillitis.

   Preschool children are more likely to suffer from tonsillitis

Children at this stage have relatively weak resistance, and are prone to infection and disease when the seasons change and the temperature changes. With the growth of age, physical fitness and resistance of the body, tonsil inflammation will be reduced.

   What's the symptom? You should consider tonsillectomy

The frequently inflamed palatine tonsil recess has poor drainage, and bacteria and viruses in the recess breed and become chronic inflammation. At this time, tonsillectomy is beneficial to children's health.

(1) Acute tonsillitis often occurs repeatedly, more than 5-6 times a year.

(2) Have ever had tonsillitis and abscess.

(3) The tonsil is excessively hypertrophic, affecting breathing and sleep, and it is difficult to eat and swallow.

(4) Focal tonsillitis. Nephritis, rheumatic heart disease, myocarditis and rheumatoid arthritis are complicated by tonsillitis.

(5) The tonsils can be excised after excluding other medical diseases due to chronic inflammation of tonsils due to long-term low fever of unknown causes.

(6) Keratosis of tonsils or stones, polypoid hyperplasia, cysts and other benign tumors.

   Under what circumstances should tonsillectomy not be performed

(1) Acute tonsillitis should not be operated during the attack, and it should not be operated until at least 2 weeks after the inflammation subsides.

(2) Suffer from hematopoiesis and coagulation system diseases, such as hemophilia, aplastic anemia, leukemia, purpura, etc. These diseases are not conducive to the self contraction of blood vessels after surgery, coagulation and hemostasis.

(3) Nephritis, hepatitis, rheumatism, tuberculosis and other diseases should not be operated during the active period, which will aggravate the condition and even cause serious complications.

   How old is tonsillectomy more appropriate

The tonsil is a pair of lymphoid tissue in the pharynx and a defense tissue of the body. It plays a great role in children before the age of 4 and a half, so surgery is generally not considered before the age of 4 and a half.

Does general anesthesia affect children's intellectual development?

At present, there is no medical evidence to prove that general anesthesia has an impact on children's intellectual development, so parents need not worry too much.

   How to nurse children with tonsillitis

*Follow the doctor's advice, and gradually change the diet from cold liquid, liquid and semi liquid to soft food and solid food after surgery. Encourage children to drink more water and pay attention to rest;

*Eat a light diet, ensure vitamin intake, and drink more fresh vegetables and fruit juice;

*Children with poor appetite, little food and high fever should be prevented from dehydration. They can take infusion and supplement vitamin C as appropriate.

*When the body temperature exceeds 38.5 ℃, appropriate antipyretic drugs can be taken.

   How to prevent tonsil inflammation

(1) Pay attention to personal hygiene, take active exercise and strengthen the physique.

⑵ Pay attention to the nutritional balance of children and improve their immunity.

⑶ Clothing needs to adapt to temperature changes. Seasonal changes should be made in a timely manner. They should be adjusted in the morning, noon and evening, indoors and outdoors, before and after activities.


1. You should consult more doctors about whether to operate

Responsible doctors need to know the frequency and duration of repeated attacks of tonsillitis, and whether there are complications to weigh whether surgery is needed. Most doctors are willing to decide whether to operate after 2 years of repeated attacks. Generally speaking, repeated attacks of tonsillitis make children often absent from school, affecting their studies, or unable to eat well, hindering their health, so surgery should be considered.

2. Beware of complications

Tonsillitis may cause local and systemic complications, such as acute otitis media, rhinitis, sinusitis, acute nephritis, arthritis, rheumatic fever and other complications.

3. How to care for children with severe throat pain

Limit activities and have a good rest, but not necessarily stay in bed;

Try to coax children to drink more water;

If swallowing is difficult, feed the child liquid diet (warm and cool porridge, rotten noodles, milk, etc.), and give the child food that he likes to eat and is easy to swallow, such as yogurt, ice cream, etc. Collection/Mei Yiming

Interviewed expert/Tao Zheng, director of the Department of Five sense Organs of Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Jiaotong University School of Medicine

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