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How to play the parent-child game during the long holiday?

The Mid Autumn Festival, National Day, and even the autumn holiday are coming. This super long holiday is threatening. Many parents always complain that they don't have time to play with their children. Now the opportunity is right in front of them.

Yesterday morning, Wu Haiyan, a teacher of Hangzhou Shenglan Experimental School, showed the reporter the school's N versions of parent-child travel plan - although the scene of crowded scenic spots can be predicted, the long vacation is a good opportunity to travel after all. Many parents design a long vacation plan, the first choice is to travel with their children.

It is the nature of children to play and be active, which inevitably leads to some tidbits during the journey, and also makes many parents "anxious when they are still in bed". On the way to play, safety comes first. This week, children from more than 100 primary schools and kindergartens in Hangzhou received a picture book called "Children's Safety and Self help Early Know". Here, we specially selected some basic knowledge about travel safety for parents and children who are going out.

As for parents who have no travel plans, they don't have to worry about staying at home and staring at their children. We have collected some parent-child games from kindergartens and primary schools so that parents can play with their children.


   Role exchange of "busy morning"

   Referrer : Zhou Suiping (Principal of Hangzhou Shengli Kindergarten)

   Game rules : A family of three, role exchange. Three scenes can be set.

The first scene is "getting up". With the alarm clock ringing, the parents opened their eyes, and the children went to help their parents dress. After that, they entered the second scene "Eat". When parents sit on chairs, children first put bibs around them, and then put the toy food in the toy tableware into another bowl (indicating that they have finished eating). After completion, enter the third scene "Kindergarten". Parents sit on their children's scooters, and children push their parents to the "kindergarten".

   Reason for recommendation: During the holidays, let children experience the love their parents usually pay for themselves. During the game, parents can ask their children: Do you think parents have much to do in the morning? What do you want your baby to do when you are a parent? How do you usually do it? Will you do it again in the future?

   "Hangzhou Metro Line 1" is leaving

   Referrer : Yu Wenchong (teacher of Hangzhou Changshou Bridge Primary School)

   Game rules Ask one of the three members of the family to read the following story with expression and ask the other two to sit down when they hear the word "stand" and stand up when they hear the word "sit (including" seat ")". Every time you make a mistake, you will be pounded on the head by the reader with an air hammer. After the story is told, the one who gets the least number of knocks wins.

Once, Xiaoxi and Bingbing took the subway line 1. After getting on the train, Bingbing found an empty seat. He left Xiaoxi and hurried to sit down. At this time, an old woman came, holding hands and standing beside Bingbing. Xiaoxi said to Bingbing, "Bingbing, look at you. How bad it is for you to sit and grandma to stand! You should stand up quickly and let grandma sit!"

Bingbing was criticized and was very unhappy. She said angrily, "If you let me stand, I will not stand. I will sit down!" The old lady smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. You can sit down. I won't sit down." Xiaoxi stood beside Bingbing and pouted with anger. She said, "You are so rude. I don't want to stand next to you anymore!" At this time, the Wulin Gate subway station arrived, The grandmother got out of the car. Looking at the figure of the old woman, Bing Bing was very upset. He felt that he was wrong, and couldn't help standing up and quietly left the seat. He said to himself, "Hey, what happened? Sit and stand, stand and sit, sit and stand, sit and stand, stand and stand, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand and sit, stand

   Reason for recommendation : This highly participatory game is suitable for parent-child games. It can also cultivate children's responsiveness and social morality awareness. In addition, the Hangzhou subway is about to open, and this story is also very appropriate. Previously, it was tried out for the second and fifth grade students, and it was extremely popular. In addition, such games as jumping the grid and throwing sandbags that parents played when they were young can also be reviewed in this long holiday. (Correspondent Kong Yiping, reporter Shen Meng and Zhu Ping)


   What should I do if I get lost with my parents during the journey?

   The best way: stand still and wait!

Every holiday, the busyness index of public radio stations in scenic spots, shopping malls and other public places will soar - busy broadcasting people seeking enlightenment, there are so many lost children. Originally, these places were full of people during the holiday. The little one who seldom went out with his parents preferred to go where the excitement was. When they are hungry and thirsty after playing, they have to find their parents. Then the little guys will realize that the big thing is not good, and they will get separated from their parents and can't go home.

At this time, the most taboo for children is to walk around and cry loudly for their parents. Don't you tell the bad guys clearly that you and your parents are lost? The best way is to stand still and wait for your parents, because when they find you are missing, they will definitely follow the same path to find you. Of course, if you meet a police uncle, you can also ask for help. The premise is that you must remember your parents' phone numbers, work units, and your home address.

Here is also a tip for parents. To go to a busy place, you can make an agreement with the children first. In case of missing, the children can wait for their parents.

   How to play the hydrogen balloon more safely?

   Best way: Keep away from open fire and high temperature!

Go out to play, see the colorful balloons, the child must want to buy one. The colorful hydrogen balloons in the animation "Up and Down" took Mr. Carr and his cabin to the sky, fulfilling the dream of traveling around the world. For children, although they can't have as many hydrogen balloons as Mr. Carr, it's also very cool to ask their parents to buy one or two of them on the street or at a stand in the scenic area during the holiday.

But beautiful hydrogen balloons are actually dangerous. The reason why the hydrogen balloon can fly into the sky is that it is filled with hydrogen which is lighter than air. Hydrogen is a flammable gas. It is easy to explode when encountering an open fire and burn children. If you really want to play, you must not let the hydrogen balloon next to high temperature objects such as decorative lights, let alone in the kitchen and other places with open fire.

Children should remember this nursery rhyme: "There is danger in the hydrogen balloon, and it will explode when encountering an open fire. Burned skin and burned face, it is better not to play."

   How to row safely?

   The best way: put on a life jacket!

Visiting the lake is one of the most popular items in the long vacation. It is children's nature to like water. During the cool autumn holiday, when I saw someone boating on the lake, at least 99 out of 100 children were itching. But when I got on the boat, my parents were worried, lest the child should fall into the water accidentally.

The best way in case is to put a life jacket on the child. We should also make an agreement in advance that when rowing, we should sit firmly in the boat, and we should not shake randomly, nor lean out of the boat to play in the water.

The children should remember this nursery rhyme: "It's a fine day today, and the boat floats in the lake. Put on your life jacket, sit still, and don't shake. Leap forward to play in the water, but my father said no."

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