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Hatchback continues to win the market by low price

http://www.sina.com.cn    08:09, November 6, 2008    Jinyang - Yangcheng Evening News

Zoumayang City 4

Graphic reporter Qi Yaoqi

In the past week, the market share of hatchback has not changed significantly, and the discount is still at the same level as before. While many dealers focus most of their efforts on the sales of medium and high class cars to gain considerable profits, they also do not give up various promotion methods for their hatchback cars. From appearance competition to space competition, from fuel consumption competition to price competition, hatchback has always attracted the attention of popular consumers.

At present, the price drop of hatchback is obvious in many brands. For example, as a crossover hatchback, MG 3SW still has a small number of cars in Guangzhou, and there are only a few dozen in Guangzhou since its listing. Among similar models, the price of MG 3SW is relatively low, ranging from 79800 to 109800. Now there is a gift package worth 10000 yuan, which includes commercial insurance and compulsory traffic insurance. If you insist on cash discount, you will only have 8000 yuan. It is expected that there will be a small price reduction next, and it is expected to reduce another 2000-3000 yuan at most this year.

Dongfeng Peugeot 206 ( Parameter configuration gallery ) ( Parameter configuration gallery ) The sales volume is still small, and the guide price is 77800 - 113800 yuan. Now cash can be discounted more than 5000 yuan, and you can send more boutiques, but you still need to order cars. Due to low fuel consumption and space evaluation, the market grew slowly. As for Dongfeng Nissan's Qida ( Parameter configuration gallery ) Keep the discount range. Now when buying a car, there is a cash rebate of more than 10000 yuan, and then there is a gift package of 6000 yuan, which can also be converted into cash. In this way, the top 1.6 luxury model is more than 120000 yuan, and the lowest 1.6 fashion manual version is 90000 yuan, which is still an attractive price. As for Liwei, it is also popular with Qida, reducing the price by 6000 or 7000 yuan, or giving a gift package of 7500 yuan.

The reporter learned that the modification of hatchback has also become a special phenomenon in the market. As the new Motor Vehicle Registration Regulations stipulate that the owner need not apply to the vehicle management office for changing the color of the vehicle body, replacing the engine, body or frame, but directly handle the registration after the change, opening the door for convenient vehicle modification. According to the person in charge of a modification shop, most of the owners who went to the shop for modification said that whether it was suitable for modification was one of the main factors they considered when buying a car, and cars with modification potential were more popular. Fox, 307 ( Parameter configuration gallery ) , Yaris ( Parameter configuration gallery ) , Swift ( Parameter configuration gallery ) And other models have become the hot spot in the current car market, among which Yaris and Fit have become one of the most popular modified models. Some racing enthusiasts have even re adjusted the engine of Yaris.

The hatchback competition is fierce. Many franchised stores of GAC Toyota focus on pushing Yaris in the fourth quarter. Although the sales target given by the manufacturer has been lowered, the pressure on the dealer is still high. At present, a GAC Toyota store can sell 80 cars a month, of which only about 10 are Yaris. As a result of a substantial discount of more than 13000 yuan, the market attention has been greatly increased. The most popular one is the 1.6G refined functional version, which costs only 94000 yuan. However, all dealers admit that they are selling the car at a loss, waiting for the manufacturer to make a rebate at the end of the year. Some stores have taken the strategy of going out and went to Shiling, Fangcun and other professional markets to show Yaris, which has really played a very good role in some industries and increased sales, among which female owners are also increasing their purchase of Yaris.

The flying price of Guangben is still firm, the discount is only three or four thousand, and the gifts are limited. The dealers report that they dare not cut the price rashly, which also brings considerable pressure to the sales. The sales store reported that the new Fit now sells about ten to twenty units a month, less than expected before the launch. 1.3 The automatic version costs more than 90000 yuan, and the 1.5 automatic luxury version costs 110000 yuan, which is not cheap. In order to improve the value perception of hatchback, Fangcun Store has customized a new DVD navigation system for owners in need. This is also relatively rare among small hatchback cars, which attracts many people who want to buy small cars with higher configurations.

(Edit: Teng Bilin )
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