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Sales promotion volume of major mainstream models at the end of the year (group diagram)

http://www.sina.com.cn    08:33, November 5, 2008    Morning News

At the end of the year, all major mainstream models rushed to welcome 09 new cars, striving for the biggest initiative in the car market competition next year. At the turn of the old and the new, with the pressure of year-end impulse increasing, the whole car market is full of dazzling preferential information, and some of the inventory cars left in the clearance have never had a shock price.

   boulevard ( Parameter configuration gallery ) Reduce the price by more than 100000 yuan



Recently, the author learned from the market that there is a maximum discount range of more than 100000 yuan for the tree lined avenue. Such a large discount is not common in this level of automobile market. It is basically the behavior of secondary dealers, and consumers may have some additional conditions when purchasing. The range of discount varies from 70000 to 130000 yuan. The price of the 3.6L flagship version of Linyin Avenue is actually lower than that of the 2.8L luxury version. After specific consultation, it turns out that more consumers buy 2.8L displacement models than 3.6L models due to fuel consumption. Therefore, businesses give discounts of up to 130000 yuan to highlight their cost performance advantages, so as to attract consumers.

   Carola ( Parameter configuration gallery ) Impulse discount of 20000 yuan



In the field of intermediate cars, although Carola and Corolla ( Parameter configuration gallery ) The sales volume of FAW Toyota ranked the top, and failed to make FAW Toyota relax its vigilance against competitors. The car market is depressed, and cars still have to be sold. Although price reduction is not the only solution, it has an immediate effect on models that sell well.

Following the 15000 yuan discount offered by Carola last week, this week's discount was extended again. At present, in addition to the 15000 yuan of cash, the dealers in Shanghai also give away the whole car film, and consumers can choose high-quality decoration worth 3000 yuan at will. The cumulative discount range can reach about 20000 yuan. Once dominated the car market with the "5-meter impression", now it is driving the market with a preferential rate of 20000 yuan. FAW Toyota's marketing methods can be described as diverse. Facing the upcoming end of the year, Carola needs a sales peak.

   Mondeo ( Parameter configuration gallery ) Win and see a new low



From June's configuration increase without price increase to September's official price reduction, the products and prices have been adjusted, but the market effect is still difficult to escape adversity. It is a bumpy fate to win in the mid and high-end car market. The author believes that Zhisheng is actually a very good model. Today, the price of the 2.0 low configuration is just over 150000 yuan, which is equivalent to the price of a high configuration A-class car, but its popularity has always been low.

Although Mondeo Zhisheng reduced the price by a maximum of 20000 yuan in September, the price of the market terminal should be further adjusted in the form of sales. Recently, the author learned from the Chang'an Ford 4S store in Shanghai that there is still a large margin of discount after the Zhisheng official lowered the price, among which the 2.3LAT luxury sports version model has a maximum benefit of 17000 yuan, while the 2.0MT comfortable model has a discount of 15000 yuan. The car supply situation is relatively tight, and it needs to be reserved for a month.

   Sagitar ( Parameter configuration gallery ) 1.8T discount up to 22000 yuan


FAW Volkswagen Sudeng

For some time before FAW Volkswagen Sagittarius launched the champion version 1.8TSI, it was hard to find the old version of the 1.8T Sagittarius in the market. For a long time, Sagitar only sold its 1.6L and 2.0L displacement models. At present, Shanghai will introduce a number of old Sagittarius 1.8T models, the number of which is about 50.

According to relevant dealers, this batch of models has a complete range of colors, which can be delivered in the middle of November. And since this batch of models are bought out by dealers, the discount range is quite considerable, with the manual version of 20000 yuan and the automatic version of 22000 yuan.

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(Edit: Huo Hongwei )
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