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12 Constellation Love Career One Week Advice (Group Picture)

http://www.sina.com.cn    18:21, September 28, 2012    Sina constellation micro-blog

Author/ Xiao Xiaoxiao (blog) (Weibo)

 One week sky picture One week sky picture

   1、 Astrological structure

On January 3, the sun, Uranus and Pluto were still in a dogfight, Venus and Mars were still obsessed, and self-awareness was particularly prominent, which made it impossible to resist all views and ways that deviated from expectations.

On the 4th and 7th, Venus entered Virgo on the 4th, Mercury entered Scorpio on the evening of the 5th, Saturn entered Scorpio on the 6th, and Mars entered Sagittarius on the 7th, which triggered Neptune's two boat game (Mercury and Mars), the positive diplomatic strategy of the sun and Jupiter, and the energy of life vitality and optimism returned to the physical and mental level.

The above two periods were dominated by the phase structure of Mercury and Saturn, Venus and Neptune, which to some extent prevented negative emotions from going to extremes.

   2、 What are we facing

Opportunities. The belief and hope of remolding oneself come after reflection, which is not what others can give, and others have no way to give.

Undercurrent. The consequentialism is the most dangerous enemy. The pursuit of results leads to self abandonment due to insufficient efforts, or they are willing to listen to the fate of heaven rather than do everything in human affairs.

   3、 Solution

Borrow a little from Libra: calm arrogance. If you are simple and calm, you will be gentle but not enthusiastic; If it is simple and domineering, it will be coarse and lack of self-restraint. Taken together, the advantage is that you are not too obsessed with the results, but concentrate on your own efforts, and are willing to take full responsibility for yourself without blaming God and others. How to operate? The following can be followed:

1. Learn from traditional culture, absorb the essence of traditional culture, attach importance to being a person, and become a talent;

2. Cultivating the courage to face up to the personality defects, and attributing all the reasons to the outside world (including the situation that seems to be framed by the outside world) will not bring about any positive transformation;

3. Cultivate values that pursue truth, because values are a person's destiny orientation, while fortune telling supremacy will not produce high-quality destiny orientation.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer leo Virgo
libra scorpio sagittarius Capricorn aquarius Pisces

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